Here is a definitive guide for all the scripts found in the root package file of the AKASHA Core project.
removes tsconfig and runs tsc build
$ yarn clean
$ yarn clean:all
Runs prepare script for all projects specified in nx workspace
$ yarn prepare
Builds all projects with tag
$ yarn build:libs
Builds all projects with tag
$ yarn build:apps
Extracts translations in all packages using Nx
$ yarn extract:translations
Runs prepare build:libs build:apps and extract:translations scripts in order.
$ yarn build:all
Watches for file changes in projects within the specified scope. You need to specify the name on the package(s)' package.json file - click for sample
$ nx watch --projects=@akashaorg/app-antenna --includeDependentProjects -- nx build
Starts the Akasha World app on the localhost as well as the local machine's IP
$ yarn world:dev
Deploys the Akasha World app
$ yarn world:deploy