🐻 Personal build-tool framework for building libraries and applications for my TypeScript projects
Deprecated because didn't work out. :(
$ tanuki build --mode ["app" / "mode"] [--esm "true" / "false"] [--minfy "true" / "false"]
const { Tanuki, BuildMode } = require('@augu/tanuki');
const tanuki = new Tanuki({
name: 'project name',
tanuki.build({ esm: true, minify: true, mode: BuildMode.Library });
I don't want to re-configure my TypeScript tool-chain every second, so I want to create a unified one that works really well within my workflow.
This also means that I can use the same tool-chain for all my projects, and it will work just fine! And it has a documentation generator which is linked to docs.floofy.dev.
This is meant for my personal usage, you don't have to use this if you don't feel like it.
@augu/tanuki is released under the MIT License.