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GBFS Prometheus Exporter

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The GBFS Prometheus Exporter is a tool designed to collect and expose metrics from GBFS (General Bikeshare Feed Specification) providers for monitoring purposes. This src fetches real-time data from multiple bike-sharing systems, processes the information, and makes it available as Prometheus metrics, enabling comprehensive monitoring and analysis of bike availability, station statuses, and system performance.


  • Multi-Provider Support: Collects data from multiple GBFS-compliant bike-sharing providers.
  • Configurable Setup: Specify configuration files and ports via command-line arguments.
  • Prometheus Integration: Exposes metrics in a Prometheus-compatible format for seamless scraping.
  • Error Handling: Gracefully handles missing feeds and other data inconsistencies.
  • Docker Support: Easily deployable using Docker containers.
  • Extensible Architecture: Modular design allows for easy extension and customization.


The src consists of several key components that work together to fetch data from GBFS providers, process it, and expose it as Prometheus metrics.

Detailed Exporter Architecture

flowchart TB
    %% Define Exporter Components
    subgraph Exporter
        ExposeMetrics["Expose /metrics Endpoint"]
        GBFSProviders["GBFS Providers"]
        MetricsDefinitions["Metrics Definitions"]
        Main --> Collector
        Collector --> DataFetcher
        Collector --> MetricsManager
        Collector --> ExposeMetrics
        DataFetcher --> GBFSDiscovery
        DataFetcher --> GBFSProviders
        MetricsManager --> MetricsDefinitions
    %% Define DataFetcher Processes
    subgraph DataFetcher_Processes
        RequestSession["Request Session"]
        FetchStationInfo["Fetch Station Information"]
        FetchStationStatus["Fetch Station Status"]
        DataFetcher --> RequestSession
        RequestSession --> FetchStationInfo
        FetchStationInfo --> FetchStationStatus
    %% Define MetricsManager Processes
    subgraph MetricsManager_Processes
        UpdateMetrics["Update Station Metrics"]
        HandleMissingData["Handle Missing Data"]
        AggregateData["Aggregate Provider Data"]
        MetricsManager --> UpdateMetrics
        UpdateMetrics --> HandleMissingData
        HandleMissingData --> AggregateData

Flow Description

  1. GBFS Providers: External bike-sharing systems that publish data (station information and status) via GBFS APIs.
  2. Exporter: Fetches data from GBFS providers and exposes it as Prometheus metrics.
    • Collector: Orchestrates data fetching and metrics updating during each Prometheus scrape.
    • DataFetcher: Retrieves data from GBFS providers using their auto-discovery URLs.
    • GBFSDiscovery: Automatically discovers available feed URLs from each GBFS provider.
    • MetricsManager: Processes fetched data and updates Prometheus metrics.
    • Metrics Definitions: Defines the structure and labels of the Prometheus metrics.
    • Expose /metrics Endpoint: Makes the metrics available on an HTTP endpoint for Prometheus to scrape.



You can install and run the GBFS Prometheus Exporter either manually or using Docker.

Using Docker

  1. Build the Docker Image

    Navigate to the root directory of the src and build the Docker image.

    docker build -t gbfs-src:latest .
  2. Run the Docker Container

    docker run -d \
      -p 8000:8000 \
      -v /path/to/configs/providers.yaml:/src/src/configs/providers.yaml \
      --name gbfs-src \
      gbfs-src:latest \
      --config /src/src/configs/providers.yaml \
      --port 8000
    • Replace /path/to/configs/providers.yaml with the actual path to your providers.yaml file.
    • Note: Adjust the --port value if you wish to expose metrics on a different port.

Manual Installation

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd gbfs-monitoring-stack/src
  2. Create a Virtual Environment

    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  3. Install Dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Configure Providers

    • Edit the configs/providers.yaml file to include your GBFS providers.
  5. Run the Exporter

    python --config configs/providers.yaml --port 8000
    • Arguments:
      • --config or -c: Path to the configuration file (default: configs/providers.yaml)
      • --port or -p: Port to expose metrics on (default: 8000)


Configuration File (providers.yaml)

The providers.yaml file contains the list of GBFS providers from which the src will fetch data. Each provider entry includes a name and an auto-discovery URL.

# src/configs/providers.yaml

  - name: "Buenos Aires"
    auto_discovery_url: ""
  - name: "Ecobici"
    auto_discovery_url: ""
  - name: "LINK Linz"
    auto_discovery_url: ""

Adding More Providers

To add more GBFS providers, simply append additional entries under the providers list.

  - name: "New Provider"
    auto_discovery_url: ""


Command-Line Arguments

The src can be configured using command-line arguments to specify the configuration file path and the HTTP server port.

  • --config or -c: Path to the configuration file.
  • --port or -p: Port to expose metrics on.

Running the Exporter

Using Docker

docker run -d \
  -p 8000:8000 \
  -v /path/to/configs/providers.yaml:/src/src/configs/providers.yaml \
  --name gbfs-src \
  gbfs-src:latest \
  --config /src/src/configs/providers.yaml \
  --port 8000
  • Custom Configuration Path and Port:

    To specify a custom configuration file path and port, adjust the --config and --port arguments accordingly.

    docker run -d \
      -p 9000:9000 \
      -v /custom/path/to/providers.yaml:/src/src/configs/providers.yaml \
      --name gbfs-src \
      gbfs-src:latest \
      --config /src/src/configs/providers.yaml \
      --port 9000

Manual Execution

source venv/bin/activate
python src/ --config configs/providers.yaml --port 8000
  • Using Shortened Flags:

    python src/ -c configs/providers.yaml -p 8000

Accessing Metrics

The src exposes metrics at http://localhost:8000/metrics by default. You can verify it by visiting the URL in your browser or using curl:

curl http://localhost:8000/metrics


The src defines several Prometheus metrics to monitor various aspects of the bike-sharing systems.

Metric List

Here are some of the key metrics exposed by the src:

  • Total Metrics per Provider:

    • gbfs_bikes_available_total: Total number of bikes available.
    • gbfs_docks_available_total: Total number of docks available.
    • gbfs_bikes_disabled_total: Total number of disabled bikes.
    • gbfs_docks_disabled_total: Total number of disabled docks.
    • gbfs_active_stations_total: Total number of active stations.
    • gbfs_stations_total: Total number of stations.
  • Station-Level Metrics:

    • gbfs_bikes_available: Number of bikes available at each station.
    • gbfs_docks_available: Number of docks available at each station.
    • gbfs_bikes_disabled: Number of disabled bikes at each station.
    • gbfs_docks_disabled: Number of disabled docks at each station.
    • gbfs_station_capacity: Capacity (number of docks) at each station.
    • gbfs_station_is_installed: Station installation status (1 = installed, 0 = not installed).
    • gbfs_station_is_renting: Station renting status (1 = renting, 0 = not renting).
    • gbfs_station_is_returning: Station returning status (1 = accepting returns, 0 = not accepting).

Example Metrics Output

gbfs_bikes_available_total{provider="Buenos Aires"} 1000
gbfs_docks_available_total{provider="Buenos Aires"} 500
gbfs_bikes_available{provider="Buenos Aires",station_id="3",station_name="003 - ADUANA"} 28.0
gbfs_docks_available{provider="Buenos Aires",station_id="3",station_name="003 - ADUANA"} 72.0