Points: 10
Tags: picoCTF 2021, General Skills
Author: SYREAL
Python scripts are invoked kind of like programs in the Terminal...
Can you run this Python script using this password to get the flag?
1. Get the Python script accessible in your shell by entering the following command in the Terminal prompt:
$ wget https://mercury.picoctf.net/static/1b247b1631eb377d9392bfa4871b2eb1/ende.py
2. $ man python
Challenge link: https://play.picoctf.org/practice/challenge/166
Given in the challenge are:
- A python script to run
- A file with a password
- A file with an encrypted flag
Check out the Python script if you like but there is no need for that to solve the challenge.
This challenge is just an exercise in running Python scripts.
Run the Python script like this
└─$ python ende.py
Usage: ende.py (-e/-d) [file]
Ah, we need to supply the script with parameters. The -e
probably stands for encrypt and -d
for decrypt and we want to decrypt.
So get the password
└─$ cat pw.txt
And then decrypt the flag
└─$ python ende.py -d flag.txt.en
Please enter the password:dbd1bea4dbd1bea4dbd1bea4dbd1bea4
And there we have the flag.
For additional information, please see the references below.