A Minimal MicroPython driver module for Panel P10 32*16 Matrix display and its variants, to handle 1/4 scanline and its unconventional byte data arrangements.
from framebuf import FrameBuffer, MONO_HLSB
from machine import Pin
from led_panel import LEDPanel
# Init
led = LEDPanel(
pe = Pin(14, Pin.OUT),
pa = Pin(13, Pin.OUT),
pb = Pin(12, Pin.OUT),
pclk = Pin(18, Pin.OUT),
plat = Pin(19, Pin.OUT),
pdr = Pin(23, Pin.OUT),
freq = 1000,
duty = 1
w = 32
h = 16
# FrameBuffer
ba = bytearray((w * h) // 8) # 1 bpp
fb = FrameBuffer(ba, w, h, MONO_HLSB)
# Main code
def main():
x = 0
while 1:
fb.text("Hi,all!", x+w, 0, 1)
fb.text("WOW!", 0, 9, 1)
x = (x-1) % -96
# Mandatory pause
# Can be used as sleep
await led.hold(50 / 1000) # msec
# Execute
# Must be last
led.run(ba, main)
The hold()
function is a convenient utility for adding a mandatory asyncio pause without the need to import asyncio into the main code. It allows to add a pause in seconds, including float and fractions, or leave it empty for the shortest possible pause.
This project is provided under the GPLv3+ License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute it according to the terms of the license.