diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 5a24cb2..5bef9f4 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS
+ message_generation
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
@@ -50,11 +51,10 @@ catkin_python_setup()
## * add every package in MSG_DEP_SET to generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES ...)
## Generate messages in the 'msg' folder
-# add_message_files(
-# Message1.msg
-# Message2.msg
-# )
+ SonarEcho.msg
## Generate services in the 'srv' folder
# add_service_files(
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ catkin_python_setup()
# )
## Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here
-# generate_messages(
-# sensor_msgs# std_msgs
-# )
+ sensor_msgs# std_msgs
## Declare ROS dynamic reconfigure parameters ##
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fde15d8..9721aff 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
A python ROS package for the [BlueRobotics] [Ping360] Sonar. The package has been tested under [ROS] melodic and Ubuntu 16.04. This code is mostly experimental, expect that it changes often.
-**Keywords:** ROS, package, ping360
+**Keywords:** ROS, package, ping360, ping360 emulator
### License
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ The source code is released under a [MIT license](LICENSE).
## Installation
+### Download the latest release
+Get the latest stable release [here](https://github.com/CentraleNantesRobotics/ping360_sonar_python/releases/latest).
### Building from Source
#### Dependencies
@@ -28,6 +32,10 @@ The source code is released under a [MIT license](LICENSE).
#### Building
+Before building from source, install [ping-protocol Python Lib](https://pypi.org/project/bluerobotics-ping/):
+ pip install bluerobotics-ping
To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your catkin workspace and compile the package using
cd catkin_workspace/src
@@ -39,7 +47,6 @@ To build from source, clone the latest version from this repository into your ca
## Usage
An example launch file has been provided [example.launch](launch/example.launch):
@@ -52,18 +59,37 @@ Run the main node with:
* **example.launch:** contains the default parameteres to run the Ping360 Sonar, including the serial port and the baudrate to interface with the sonar. The rest of the parameters are documented here: [Ping360 Documentation](https://docs.bluerobotics.com/ping-protocol/pingmessage-ping360/). The same parameters can also be reconfigured using the [dynamic_reconfigure](http://wiki.ros.org/dynamic_reconfigure).
+ An emulated mode was added to test the package when you don't have the sonar. To run the emulated sonar, set the env variable to "true":
## Nodes
### ping360_node
-Creates a black and white OpenCv image using the date received from the sonar. Same as the one generated by the ping viewer.
+While continuously rotating the sonar, it publishes two types of messages:
+- The sonar's response data (the echo intensities for a given angle & range)
+- A black and white image using the date received from the sonar. Same as the one generated by the ping viewer.
#### Published Topics
-* **`/ping360_sonar`** ([sensor_msgs/Image])
+* **`/ping360_node/sonar/images`** ([sensor_msgs/Image])
+ The generated sonar image.
+* **`/ping360_node/sonar/data`** ([msg/SonarEcho])
- The generated sonar image.
+ Publishes the raw sonar data in a custom message:
+ Header header #header info
+ float32 angle # the measurement angle [rad]
+ uint8 gain # Sonar Gain
+ uint16 number_of_samples
+ uint16 transmit_frequency # [kHz]
+ uint16 speed_of_sound # [m/s]
+ uint8 range # range value [m]
+ uint8[] intensities # intensity data [0-255]. This is the actual data received from the sonar
## Bugs & Feature Requests
@@ -76,7 +102,7 @@ Please report bugs and request features using the [Issue Tracker](https://github
[cv_bridge]: http://wiki.ros.org/cv_bridge
[sensor_msgs/Image]: http://docs.ros.org/melodic/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/Image.html
[Ping360]: https://bluerobotics.com/store/sensors-sonars-cameras/sonar/ping360-sonar-r1-rp/
+[msg/SonarEcho]: /msg/SonarEcho.msg
## Contributors ✨
@@ -93,5 +119,6 @@ Please report bugs and request features using the [Issue Tracker](https://github
-This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome! Please refer to our [Contribution Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md)
+This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification.
+Contributions of any kind welcome! Please refer to our [Contribution Guide](CONTRIBUTING.md)
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/launch/example.launch b/launch/example.launch
index 851581e..7c091ef 100644
--- a/launch/example.launch
+++ b/launch/example.launch
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/msg/SonarEcho.msg b/msg/SonarEcho.msg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..179b59e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/msg/SonarEcho.msg
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Header header #header info
+float32 angle # the measurement angle [rad]
+uint8 gain # Sonar Gain
+uint16 number_of_samples
+uint16 transmit_frequency # [kHz]
+uint16 speed_of_sound # [m/s]
+uint8 range # range value [m]
+uint8[] intensities # intensity data [0-255]. This is the actual data received from the sonar
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/package.xml b/package.xml
index 76a132c..5919b3e 100644
--- a/package.xml
+++ b/package.xml
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+ message_generation
@@ -25,4 +26,5 @@
+ message_runtime
diff --git a/src/ping360_sonar/Emulator.py b/src/ping360_sonar/Emulator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4db331c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ping360_sonar/Emulator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+from brping import definitions, PingMessage, PingParser
+import time
+import errno
+import math
+import random
+import os
+verbose = False
+payload_dict = definitions.payload_dict_all
+# a Serial class emulator
+class Serial:
+ ## init(): the constructor. Many of the arguments have default values
+ # and can be skipped when calling the constructor.
+ def __init__( self, port='COM1', baudrate = 115200, timeout=1,
+ bytesize = 8, parity = 'N', stopbits = 1, xonxoff=0,
+ rtscts = 0):
+ self.name = port
+ self.port = port
+ self.timeout = timeout
+ self.parity = parity
+ self.baudrate = baudrate
+ self.bytesize = bytesize
+ self.stopbits = stopbits
+ self.xonxoff = xonxoff
+ self.rtscts = rtscts
+ self._isOpen = True
+ self._receivedData = ""
+ self.in_waiting = 1
+ self.parser = PingParser() # used to parse incoming client comunications
+ self._gain_setting = 0
+ self._mode = 0
+ self._angle = 0
+ self._transmit_duration = 0
+ self._sample_period = 0
+ self._transmit_frequency = 100
+ self._number_of_samples = 10
+ self._data = "".join([chr(0) for _ in xrange(self._number_of_samples)])
+ self._data_length = 10
+ ## isOpen()
+ # returns True if the port to the Arduino is open. False otherwise
+ def isOpen( self ):
+ return self._isOpen
+ def send_break(self):
+ pass
+ ## open()
+ # opens the port
+ def open( self ):
+ self._isOpen = True
+ ## close()
+ # closes the port
+ def close( self ):
+ self._isOpen = False
+ ## write()
+ # writes a string of characters to the Arduino
+ def write( self, data ):
+ try:
+ # digest data coming in from client
+ for byte in data:
+ if self.parser.parse_byte(byte) == PingParser.NEW_MESSAGE:
+ # we decoded a message from the client
+ self.handleMessage(self.parser.rx_msg)
+ except EnvironmentError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:
+ pass # waiting for data
+ else:
+ if verbose:
+ print("Error reading data", e)
+ except KeyError as e:
+ if verbose:
+ print("skipping unrecognized message id: %d" % self.parser.rx_msg.message_id)
+ print("contents: %s" % self.parser.rx_msg.msg_data)
+ pass
+ ## read()
+ # reads n characters from the fake Arduino. Actually n characters
+ # are read from the string _data and returned to the caller.
+ def read( self, n=1 ):
+ s = self._read_data[0:n]
+ self._read_data = self._read_data[n:]
+ return s
+ ## readline()
+ # reads characters from the fake Arduino until a \n is found.
+ def readline( self ):
+ returnIndex = self._read_data.index( "\n" )
+ if returnIndex != -1:
+ s = self._read_data[0:returnIndex+1]
+ self._read_data = self._read_data[returnIndex+1:]
+ return s
+ else:
+ return ""
+ ## __str__()
+ # returns a string representation of the serial class
+ def __str__( self ):
+ return "Serial( port='%s', baudrate=%d," \
+ % ( str(self.isOpen), self.port, self.baudrate ) \
+ + " bytesize=%d, parity='%s', stopbits=%d, xonxoff=%d, rtscts=%d)"\
+ % ( self.bytesize, self.parity, self.stopbits, self.xonxoff,
+ self.rtscts )
+ # Send a message to the client, the message fields are populated by the
+ # attributes of this object (either variable or method) with names matching
+ # the message field names
+ def sendMessage(self, message_id):
+ msg = PingMessage(message_id)
+ if verbose:
+ print("sending message %d\t(%s)" % (msg.message_id, msg.name))
+ # pull attributes of this class into the message fields (they are named the same)
+ for attr in payload_dict[message_id]["field_names"]:
+ try:
+ # see if we have a function for this attribute (dynamic data)
+ # if so, call it and put the result in the message field
+ setattr(msg, attr, getattr(self, attr)())
+ except AttributeError as e:
+ try:
+ # if we don't have a function for this attribute, check for a _ member
+ # these are static values (or no function implemented yet)
+ setattr(msg, attr, getattr(self, "_" + attr))
+ except AttributeError as e:
+ # anything else we haven't implemented yet, just send a sine wave
+ setattr(msg, attr, self.periodicFnInt(20, 120))
+ # send the message to the client
+ msg.pack_msg_data()
+ self._read_data = msg.msg_data
+ # handle an incoming client message
+ def handleMessage(self, message):
+ if verbose:
+ print("receive message %d\t(%s)" % (message.message_id, message.name))
+ if message.message_id == definitions.COMMON_GENERAL_REQUEST:
+ # the client is requesting a message from us
+ self.sendMessage(message.requested_id)
+ # hack for legacy requests
+ elif message.payload_length == 0:
+ self.sendMessage(message.message_id)
+ elif message.message_id == definitions.PING360_TRANSDUCER:
+ # the client is controlling some parameter of the device
+ self.setParameters(message)
+ else:
+ if verbose:
+ print("Unknown msg type")
+ # Extract message fields into attribute values
+ # This should only be performed with the 'set' category of messages
+ # TODO: mechanism to filter by "set"
+ def setParameters(self, message):
+ for attr in payload_dict[message.message_id]["field_names"]:
+ setattr(self, "_" + attr, getattr(message, attr))
+ self.sendDataResponse(message)
+ def sendDataResponse(self, message):
+ # Send a response
+ self.generateRandomData()
+ msg = PingMessage(definitions.PING360_DEVICE_DATA)
+ if verbose:
+ print("sending a reply %d\t(%s)" % (msg.message_id, msg.name))
+ # pull attributes of this class into the message fields (they are named the same)
+ for attr in payload_dict[definitions.PING360_DEVICE_DATA]["field_names"]:
+ setattr(msg, attr, getattr(self, "_" + attr))
+ # send the message to the client
+ msg.pack_msg_data()
+ self._read_data = msg.msg_data
+ def generateRandomData(self):
+ random.seed()
+ self._data = "".join([chr(random.randint(0, 255)) for _ in range(self._number_of_samples)])
+ ###########
+ # Helpers for generating periodic data
+ ###########
+ def periodicFn(self, amplitude = 0, offset = 0, frequency = 1.0, shift = 0):
+ return amplitude * math.sin(frequency * time.time() + shift) + offset
+ def periodicFnInt(self, amplitude = 0, offset = 0, frequency = 1.0, shift = 0):
+ return int(self.periodicFn(amplitude, offset, frequency, shift))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ping360_sonar/__init__.py b/src/ping360_sonar/__init__.py
index 77e5266..d6967d7 100644
--- a/src/ping360_sonar/__init__.py
+++ b/src/ping360_sonar/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from polarplot import main
+from node import main
from brping.definitions import *
from brping.pingmessage import *
from brping.device import PingDevice
diff --git a/src/ping360_sonar/definitions.py b/src/ping360_sonar/definitions.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 084541c..0000000
--- a/src/ping360_sonar/definitions.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# variable length fields are formatted with 's', and always occur at the end of the payload
-# the format string for these messages is adjusted at runtime, and 's' inserted appropriately at runtime
-# see PingMessage.get_payload_format()
-payload_dict_common = {
- "name": "ack",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "acked_id",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "nack",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "nacked_id",
- "nack_message",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "ascii_text",
- "format": "",
- "field_names": (
- "ascii_message",
- ),
- "payload_length": 0
- },
- "name": "general_request",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "requested_id",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "device_information",
- "format": "BBBBBB",
- "field_names": (
- "device_type",
- "device_revision",
- "firmware_version_major",
- "firmware_version_minor",
- "firmware_version_patch",
- "reserved",
- ),
- "payload_length": 6
- },
- "name": "protocol_version",
- "format": "BBBB",
- "field_names": (
- "version_major",
- "version_minor",
- "version_patch",
- "reserved",
- ),
- "payload_length": 4
- },
-PING1D_VOLTAGE_5 = 1202
-PING1D_RANGE = 1204
-# variable length fields are formatted with 's', and always occur at the end of the payload
-# the format string for these messages is adjusted at runtime, and 's' inserted appropriately at runtime
-# see PingMessage.get_payload_format()
-payload_dict_ping1d = {
- "name": "set_device_id",
- "format": "B",
- "field_names": (
- "device_id",
- ),
- "payload_length": 1
- },
- "name": "set_range",
- "format": "II",
- "field_names": (
- "scan_start",
- "scan_length",
- ),
- "payload_length": 8
- },
- "name": "set_speed_of_sound",
- "format": "I",
- "field_names": (
- "speed_of_sound",
- ),
- "payload_length": 4
- },
- "name": "set_mode_auto",
- "format": "B",
- "field_names": (
- "mode_auto",
- ),
- "payload_length": 1
- },
- "name": "set_ping_interval",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "ping_interval",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "set_gain_setting",
- "format": "B",
- "field_names": (
- "gain_setting",
- ),
- "payload_length": 1
- },
- "name": "set_ping_enable",
- "format": "B",
- "field_names": (
- "ping_enabled",
- ),
- "payload_length": 1
- },
- "name": "firmware_version",
- "format": "BBHH",
- "field_names": (
- "device_type",
- "device_model",
- "firmware_version_major",
- "firmware_version_minor",
- ),
- "payload_length": 6
- },
- "name": "device_id",
- "format": "B",
- "field_names": (
- "device_id",
- ),
- "payload_length": 1
- },
- "name": "voltage_5",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "voltage_5",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "speed_of_sound",
- "format": "I",
- "field_names": (
- "speed_of_sound",
- ),
- "payload_length": 4
- },
- "name": "range",
- "format": "II",
- "field_names": (
- "scan_start",
- "scan_length",
- ),
- "payload_length": 8
- },
- "name": "mode_auto",
- "format": "B",
- "field_names": (
- "mode_auto",
- ),
- "payload_length": 1
- },
- "name": "ping_interval",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "ping_interval",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "gain_setting",
- "format": "I",
- "field_names": (
- "gain_setting",
- ),
- "payload_length": 4
- },
- "name": "transmit_duration",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "transmit_duration",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "general_info",
- "format": "HHHHBB",
- "field_names": (
- "firmware_version_major",
- "firmware_version_minor",
- "voltage_5",
- "ping_interval",
- "gain_setting",
- "mode_auto",
- ),
- "payload_length": 10
- },
- "name": "distance_simple",
- "format": "IB",
- "field_names": (
- "distance",
- "confidence",
- ),
- "payload_length": 5
- },
- "name": "distance",
- "format": "IHHIIII",
- "field_names": (
- "distance",
- "confidence",
- "transmit_duration",
- "ping_number",
- "scan_start",
- "scan_length",
- "gain_setting",
- ),
- "payload_length": 24
- },
- "name": "processor_temperature",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "processor_temperature",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "pcb_temperature",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "pcb_temperature",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "ping_enable",
- "format": "B",
- "field_names": (
- "ping_enabled",
- ),
- "payload_length": 1
- },
- "name": "profile",
- "format": "IHHIIIIH",
- "field_names": (
- "distance",
- "confidence",
- "transmit_duration",
- "ping_number",
- "scan_start",
- "scan_length",
- "gain_setting",
- "profile_data_length",
- "profile_data",
- ),
- "payload_length": 26
- },
- "name": "goto_bootloader",
- "format": "",
- "field_names": (
- ),
- "payload_length": 0
- },
- "name": "continuous_start",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "id",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "continuous_stop",
- "format": "H",
- "field_names": (
- "id",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
-PING360_DEVICE_ID = 2000
-PING360_RESET = 2600
-# variable length fields are formatted with 's', and always occur at the end of the payload
-# the format string for these messages is adjusted at runtime, and 's' inserted appropriately at runtime
-# see PingMessage.get_payload_format()
-payload_dict_ping360 = {
- "name": "device_id",
- "format": "BB",
- "field_names": (
- "id",
- "reserved",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "device_data",
- "format": "BBHHHHHH",
- "field_names": (
- "mode",
- "gain_setting",
- "angle",
- "transmit_duration",
- "sample_period",
- "transmit_frequency",
- "number_of_samples",
- "data_length",
- "data",
- ),
- "payload_length": 14
- },
- PING360_RESET: {
- "name": "reset",
- "format": "BB",
- "field_names": (
- "bootloader",
- "reserved",
- ),
- "payload_length": 2
- },
- "name": "transducer",
- "format": "BBHHHHHBB",
- "field_names": (
- "mode",
- "gain_setting",
- "angle",
- "transmit_duration",
- "sample_period",
- "transmit_frequency",
- "number_of_samples",
- "transmit",
- "reserved",
- ),
- "payload_length": 14
- },
-payload_dict_all = {
- "name": "undefined",
- "format": "",
- "field_names": (),
- "payload_length": 0
- },
diff --git a/src/ping360_sonar/device.py b/src/ping360_sonar/device.py
index 9ff07f0..3df74e6 100644
--- a/src/ping360_sonar/device.py
+++ b/src/ping360_sonar/device.py
@@ -6,7 +6,12 @@
from brping import definitions
from brping import pingmessage
from collections import deque
-import serial
+import os
+if os.getenv('emulated_sonar') == 'true':
+ import Emulator as serial
+ import serial
import time
class PingDevice(object):
diff --git a/src/ping360_sonar/node.py b/src/ping360_sonar/node.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b765c40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ping360_sonar/node.py
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse
+import json
+from math import cos, pi, sin
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import rospy
+from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
+from dynamic_reconfigure.server import Server
+from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
+from std_msgs.msg import String
+from ping360_sonar.cfg import sonarConfig
+from ping360_sonar.msg import SonarEcho
+from sensor import Ping360
+def callback(config, level):
+ global updated, gain, numberOfSamples, transmitFrequency, transmitDuration, sonarRange, speedOfSound, samplePeriod, debug, step, imgSize, queue_size, p
+ # Update Ping 360 Parameters
+ gain = config['gain']
+ numberOfSamples = config['numberOfSamples']
+ transmitFrequency = config['transmitFrequency']
+ sonarRange = config['range']
+ speedOfSound = config['speedOfSound']
+ samplePeriod = calculateSamplePeriod(sonarRange, numberOfSamples, speedOfSound)
+ transmitDuration = adjustTransmitDuration(sonarRange, samplePeriod, speedOfSound)
+ debug = config['debug']
+ step = config['step']
+ queue_size = config['queueSize']
+ rospy.loginfo("Reconfigure Request")
+ updated = True
+ return config
+def main():
+ rospy.init_node('ping360_node')
+ srv = Server(sonarConfig, callback)
+ # Global Variables
+ angle = 0
+ bridge = CvBridge()
+ # Topic publishers
+ imagePub = rospy.Publisher("/ping360_node/sonar/images", Image, queue_size=queue_size)
+ rawPub = rospy.Publisher("/ping360_node/sonar/data", SonarEcho, queue_size=queue_size)
+ # Initialize and configure the sonar
+ updateSonarConfig(gain, transmitFrequency, transmitDuration, samplePeriod, numberOfSamples)
+ # Create a new mono-channel image
+ image = np.zeros((imgSize, imgSize, 1), np.uint8)
+ # Center point coordinates
+ center = (float(imgSize/2),float(imgSize/2))
+ rate = rospy.Rate(100) # 10hz
+ while not rospy.is_shutdown():
+ # Update to the latest config data
+ if updated:
+ updateSonarConfig(gain, transmitFrequency, transmitDuration, samplePeriod, numberOfSamples)
+ # Get sonar response
+ data = getSonarData(angle)
+ # Contruct and publish Sonar data msg
+ rawDataMsg = generateRawMsg(angle, data) # TODO: check for empty responses
+ rawPub.publish(rawDataMsg)
+ # Contruct and publish Sonar image msg
+ linear_factor = float(len(data)) / float(center[0]) #TODO: this should probably be range/pixelsize
+ try:
+ for i in range(int(center[0])): #TODO: check the update polar logic on the new ping-viewer
+ if(i < center[0]):
+ pointColor = data[int(i * linear_factor - 1)]
+ else:
+ pointColor = 0
+ for k in np.linspace(0,step,8*step):
+ theta = 2 * pi * (angle + k) / 400.0
+ x = float(i) * cos(theta)
+ y = float(i) * sin(theta)
+ image[int(center[0] + x)][int(center[1] + y)][0] = pointColor
+ except IndexError:
+ rospy.logwarn("IndexError: data response was empty, skipping this iteration..")
+ continue
+ angle = (angle + step) % 400
+ if debug:
+ cv2.imshow("PolarPlot",image)
+ cv2.waitKey(1)
+ else:
+ cv2.destroyAllWindows()
+ publishImage(image, imagePub, bridge)
+ rate.sleep()
+def getSonarData(angle):
+ """
+ Transmits the sonar angle and returns the sonar intensities
+ Params:
+ angle int (Gradian Angle)
+ Return:
+ data list Intensities from 0 - 255
+ """
+ p.transmitAngle(angle)
+ data = bytearray(getattr(p,'_data'))
+ return [k for k in data]
+def generateRawMsg(angle, data):
+ """
+ Generates the raw message for the data topic
+ Params:
+ angle int (Gradian Angle)
+ data list List of intensities
+ """
+ msg = SonarEcho()
+ msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
+ msg.header.frame_id = 'sonar_frame'
+ msg.angle = angle
+ msg.gain = gain
+ msg.number_of_samples = numberOfSamples
+ msg.transmit_frequency = transmitFrequency
+ msg.speed_of_sound = speedOfSound
+ msg.range = sonarRange
+ msg.intensities = data
+ return msg
+def publishImage(image, imagePub, bridge):
+ try:
+ imagePub.publish(bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(image, "mono8"))
+ except CvBridgeError as e:
+ rospy.logwarn("Failed to publish sensor image")
+ print(e)
+def calculateSamplePeriod(distance, numberOfSamples, speedOfSound, _samplePeriodTickDuration = 25e-9):
+ # type: (float, int, int, float) -> float
+ """
+ Calculate the sample period based in the new range
+ """
+ return 2 * distance / (numberOfSamples * speedOfSound * _samplePeriodTickDuration)
+def adjustTransmitDuration(distance, samplePeriod, speedOfSound, _firmwareMinTransmitDuration = 5):
+ # type: (float, float, int, int) -> float
+ """
+ @brief Adjust the transmit duration for a specific range
+ Per firmware engineer:
+ 1. Starting point is TxPulse in usec = ((one-way range in metres) * 8000) / (Velocity of sound in metres
+ per second)
+ 2. Then check that TxPulse is wide enough for currently selected sample interval in usec, i.e.,
+ if TxPulse < (2.5 * sample interval) then TxPulse = (2.5 * sample interval)
+ 3. Perform limit checking
+ @return Transmit duration
+ """
+ # 1
+ duration = 8000 * distance / speedOfSound
+ # 2 (transmit duration is microseconds, samplePeriod() is nanoseconds)
+ transmit_duration = max(2.5 * getSamplePeriod(samplePeriod) / 1000, duration)
+ # 3
+ return max(_firmwareMinTransmitDuration, min(transmitDurationMax(samplePeriod), transmit_duration))
+def transmitDurationMax(samplePeriod, _firmwareMaxTransmitDuration = 500):
+ # type: (float, int) -> float
+ """
+ @brief The maximum transmit duration that will be applied is limited internally by the
+ firmware to prevent damage to the hardware
+ The maximum transmit duration is equal to 64 * the sample period in microseconds
+ @return The maximum transmit duration possible
+ """
+ return min(_firmwareMaxTransmitDuration, getSamplePeriod(samplePeriod) * 64e6)
+def getSamplePeriod(samplePeriod, _samplePeriodTickDuration = 25e-9):
+ # type: (float, float) -> float
+ """ Sample period in ns """
+ return samplePeriod * _samplePeriodTickDuration
+def updateSonarConfig(gain, transmitFrequency, transmitDuration, samplePeriod, numberOfSamples):
+ global updated
+ p.set_gain_setting(gain)
+ p.set_transmit_frequency(transmitFrequency)
+ p.set_transmit_duration(transmitDuration)
+ p.set_sample_period(samplePeriod)
+ p.set_number_of_samples(numberOfSamples)
+ updated = False
+# Ping 360 Parameters
+device = rospy.get_param('~device',"/dev/ttyUSB0")
+baudrate = rospy.get_param('~baudrate', 115200)
+gain = rospy.get_param('~gain', 0)
+numberOfSamples = rospy.get_param('~numberOfSamples', 200) # Number of points
+transmitFrequency = rospy.get_param('~transmitFrequency', 740) # Default frequency
+sonarRange = rospy.get_param('~sonarRange', 1) # in m
+speedOfSound = rospy.get_param('~speedOfSound', 1500) # in m/s
+samplePeriod = calculateSamplePeriod(sonarRange, numberOfSamples, speedOfSound)
+transmitDuration = adjustTransmitDuration(sonarRange, samplePeriod, speedOfSound)
+debug = rospy.get_param('~debug', True)
+# Output and ROS parameters
+step = rospy.get_param('~step', 1)
+imgSize = rospy.get_param('~imgSize', 500)
+queue_size= rospy.get_param('~queueSize', 1)
+p = Ping360(device, baudrate)
+updated = False
+print("Initialized: %s" % p.initialize())
diff --git a/src/ping360_sonar/pingmessage.py b/src/ping360_sonar/pingmessage.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b8b5a3..0000000
--- a/src/ping360_sonar/pingmessage.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,449 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# PingMessage.py
-# Python implementation of the Blue Robotics 'Ping' binary message protocol
-import struct
-from brping import definitions
-payload_dict = definitions.payload_dict_all
-asciiMsgs = [definitions.COMMON_NACK, definitions.COMMON_ASCII_TEXT]
-variable_msgs = [definitions.PING1D_PROFILE, definitions.PING360_DEVICE_DATA, ]
-class PingMessage(object):
- ## header start byte 1
- start_1 = ord("B")
- ## header start byte 2
- start_2 = ord("R")
- ## header struct format
- header_format = "BBHHBB"
- ## checksum struct format
- checksum_format = "H"
- ## data endianness for struct formatting
- endianess = "<"
- ## names of the header fields
- header_field_names = (
- "start_1",
- "start_2",
- "payload_length",
- "message_id",
- "src_device_id",
- "dst_device_id")
- ## number of bytes in a header
- headerLength = 8
- ## number of bytes in a checksum
- checksumLength = 2
- ## Messge constructor
- #
- # @par Ex request:
- # @code
- # m = PingMessage()
- # m.request_id = m_id
- # m.pack_msg_data()
- # write(m.msg_data)
- # @endcode
- #
- # @par Ex set:
- # @code
- # m = PingMessage(PING1D_SET_RANGE)
- # m.start_mm = 1000
- # m.length_mm = 2000
- # m.update_checksum()
- # write(m.msg_data)
- # @endcode
- #
- # @par Ex receive:
- # @code
- # m = PingMessage(rxByteArray)
- # if m.message_id == PING1D_RANGE
- # start_mm = m.start_mm
- # length_mm = m.length_mm
- # @endcode
- def __init__(self, msg_id=0, msg_data=None):
- ## The message id
- self.message_id = msg_id
- ## The request id for request messages
- self.request_id = None
- ## The message destination
- self.dst_device_id = 0
- ## The message source
- self.src_device_id = 0
- ## The message checksum
- self.checksum = 0
- ## The raw data buffer for this message
- # update with pack_msg_data()
- self.msg_data = None
- # Constructor 1: make a pingmessage object from a binary data buffer
- # (for receiving + unpacking)
- if msg_data is not None:
- self.unpack_msg_data(msg_data)
- # Constructor 2: make a pingmessage object cooresponding to a message
- # id, with field members ready to access and populate
- # (for packing + transmitting)
- else:
- try:
- ## The name of this message
- self.name = payload_dict[self.message_id]["name"]
- ## The field names of this message
- self.payload_field_names = payload_dict[self.message_id]["field_names"]
- # initialize payload field members
- for attr in self.payload_field_names:
- setattr(self, attr, 0)
- # initialize vector fields
- if self.message_id in variable_msgs:
- setattr(self, self.payload_field_names[-1], bytearray())
- ## Number of bytes in the message payload
- self.update_payload_length()
- ## The struct formatting string for the message payload
- self.payload_format = self.get_payload_format()
- # TODO handle better here, and catch Constructor 1 also
- except KeyError as e:
- print("message id not recognized: %d" % self.message_id, msg_data)
- raise e
- ## Pack object attributes into self.msg_data (bytearray)
- # @return self.msg_data
- def pack_msg_data(self):
- # necessary for variable length payloads
- # update using current contents for the variable length field
- self.update_payload_length()
- # Prepare struct packing format string
- msg_format = PingMessage.endianess + PingMessage.header_format + self.get_payload_format()
- # Prepare complete list of field names (header + payload)
- attrs = PingMessage.header_field_names + payload_dict[self.message_id]["field_names"]
- # Prepare iterable ordered list of values to pack
- values = []
- for attr in attrs:
- # this is a hack for requests
- if attr == "message_id" and self.request_id is not None:
- values.append(self.request_id)
- else:
- values.append(getattr(self, attr))
- # Pack message contents into bytearray
- self.msg_data = bytearray(struct.pack(msg_format, *values))
- # Update and append checksum
- self.msg_data += bytearray(struct.pack(PingMessage.endianess + PingMessage.checksum_format, self.update_checksum()))
- return self.msg_data
- ## Unpack a bytearray into object attributes
- def unpack_msg_data(self, msg_data):
- self.msg_data = msg_data
- # Extract header
- header = struct.unpack(PingMessage.endianess + PingMessage.header_format, self.msg_data[0:PingMessage.headerLength])
- for i, attr in enumerate(PingMessage.header_field_names):
- setattr(self, attr, header[i])
- ## The name of this message
- self.name = payload_dict[self.message_id]["name"]
- ## The field names of this message
- self.payload_field_names = payload_dict[self.message_id]["field_names"]
- if self.payload_length > 0:
- ## The struct formatting string for the message payload
- self.payload_format = self.get_payload_format()
- # Extract payload
- try:
- payload = struct.unpack(PingMessage.endianess + self.payload_format, self.msg_data[PingMessage.headerLength:PingMessage.headerLength + self.payload_length])
- except Exception as e:
- print("error unpacking payload: %s" % e)
- print("msg_data: %s, header: %s" % (msg_data, header))
- print("format: %s, buf: %s" % (PingMessage.endianess + self.payload_format, self.msg_data[PingMessage.headerLength:PingMessage.headerLength + self.payload_length]))
- print(self.payload_format)
- else: # only use payload if didn't raise exception
- for i, attr in enumerate(self.payload_field_names):
- try:
- setattr(self, attr, payload[i])
- # empty trailing variable data field
- except IndexError as e:
- if self.message_id in variable_msgs:
- setattr(self, attr, bytearray())
- pass
- # Extract checksum
- self.checksum = struct.unpack(PingMessage.endianess + PingMessage.checksum_format, self.msg_data[PingMessage.headerLength + self.payload_length: PingMessage.headerLength + self.payload_length + PingMessage.checksumLength])[0]
- ## Calculate the checksum from the internal bytearray self.msg_data
- def calculate_checksum(self):
- checksum = 0
- for byte in self.msg_data[0:PingMessage.headerLength + self.payload_length]:
- checksum += byte
- return checksum
- ## Update the object checksum value
- # @return the object checksum value
- def update_checksum(self):
- self.checksum = self.calculate_checksum()
- return self.checksum
- ## Verify that the object checksum attribute is equal to the checksum calculated according to the internal bytearray self.msg_data
- def verify_checksum(self):
- return self.checksum == self.calculate_checksum()
- ## Update the payload_length attribute with the **current** payload length, including dynamic length fields (if present)
- def update_payload_length(self):
- if self.message_id in variable_msgs or self.message_id in asciiMsgs:
- # The last field self.payload_field_names[-1] is always the single dynamic-length field
- self.payload_length = payload_dict[self.message_id]["payload_length"] + len(getattr(self, self.payload_field_names[-1]))
- else:
- self.payload_length = payload_dict[self.message_id]["payload_length"]
- ## Get the python struct formatting string for the message payload
- # @return the payload struct format string
- def get_payload_format(self):
- # messages with variable length fields
- if self.message_id in variable_msgs or self.message_id in asciiMsgs:
- var_length = self.payload_length - payload_dict[self.message_id]["payload_length"] # Subtract static length portion from payload length
- if var_length <= 0:
- return payload_dict[self.message_id]["format"] # variable data portion is empty
- return payload_dict[self.message_id]["format"] + str(var_length) + "s"
- else: # messages with a static (constant) length
- return payload_dict[self.message_id]["format"]
- ## Dump object into string representation
- # @return string representation of the object
- def __repr__(self):
- header_string = "Header:"
- for attr in PingMessage.header_field_names:
- header_string += " " + attr + ": " + str(getattr(self, attr))
- if self.payload_length == 0: # this is a hack/guard for empty body requests
- payload_string = ""
- else:
- payload_string = "Payload:"
- # handle variable length messages
- if self.message_id in variable_msgs:
- # static fields are handled as usual
- for attr in payload_dict[self.message_id]["field_names"][:-1]:
- payload_string += "\n - " + attr + ": " + str(getattr(self, attr))
- # the variable length field is always the last field
- attr = payload_dict[self.message_id]["field_names"][-1:][0]
- # format this field as a list of hex values (rather than a string if we did not perform this handling)
- payload_string += "\n - " + attr + ": " + str([hex(item) for item in getattr(self, attr)])
- else: # handling of static length messages and text messages
- for attr in payload_dict[self.message_id]["field_names"]:
- payload_string += "\n - " + attr + ": " + str(getattr(self, attr))
- representation = (
- "\n\n--------------------------------------------------\n"
- "ID: " + str(self.message_id) + " - " + self.name + "\n" +
- header_string + "\n" +
- payload_string + "\n" +
- "Checksum: " + str(self.checksum) + " check: " + str(self.calculate_checksum()) + " pass: " + str(self.verify_checksum())
- )
- return representation
-# A class to digest a serial stream and decode PingMessages
-class PingParser(object):
- NEW_MESSAGE = 0 # Just got a complete checksum-verified message
- WAIT_START = 1 # Waiting for the first character of a message 'B'
- WAIT_HEADER = 2 # Waiting for the second character in the two-character sequence 'BR'
- WAIT_LENGTH_L = 3 # Waiting for the low byte of the payload length field
- WAIT_LENGTH_H = 4 # Waiting for the high byte of the payload length field
- WAIT_MSG_ID_L = 5 # Waiting for the low byte of the payload id field
- WAIT_MSG_ID_H = 6 # Waiting for the high byte of the payload id field
- WAIT_SRC_ID = 7 # Waiting for the source device id
- WAIT_DST_ID = 8 # Waiting for the destination device id
- WAIT_PAYLOAD = 9 # Waiting for the last byte of the payload to come in
- WAIT_CHECKSUM_L = 10 # Waiting for the checksum low byte
- WAIT_CHECKSUM_H = 11 # Waiting for the checksum high byte
- def __init__(self):
- self.buf = bytearray()
- self.state = PingParser.WAIT_START
- self.payload_length = 0 # payload length remaining to be parsed for the message currently being parsed
- self.message_id = 0 # message id of the message currently being parsed
- self.errors = 0
- self.parsed = 0
- self.rx_msg = None # most recently parsed message
- # Feed the parser a single byte
- # Returns the current parse state
- # If the byte fed completes a valid message, return PingParser.NEW_MESSAGE
- # The decoded message will be available in the self.rx_msg attribute until a new message is decoded
- def parse_byte(self, msg_byte):
- if type(msg_byte) != int:
- msg_byte = ord(msg_byte)
- # print("byte: %d, state: %d, rem: %d, id: %d" % (msg_byte, self.state, self.payload_length, self.message_id))
- if self.state == PingParser.WAIT_START:
- self.buf = bytearray()
- if msg_byte == ord('B'):
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.state += 1
- elif self.state == PingParser.WAIT_HEADER:
- if msg_byte == ord('R'):
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.state += 1
- else:
- self.state = PingParser.WAIT_START
- elif self.state == PingParser.WAIT_LENGTH_L:
- self.payload_length = msg_byte
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.state += 1
- elif self.state == PingParser.WAIT_LENGTH_H:
- self.payload_length = (msg_byte << 8) | self.payload_length
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.state += 1
- elif self.state == PingParser.WAIT_MSG_ID_L:
- self.message_id = msg_byte
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.state += 1
- elif self.state == PingParser.WAIT_MSG_ID_H:
- self.message_id = (msg_byte << 8) | self.message_id
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.state += 1
- elif self.state == PingParser.WAIT_SRC_ID:
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.state += 1
- elif self.state == PingParser.WAIT_DST_ID:
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.state += 1
- if self.payload_length == 0: # no payload bytes
- self.state += 1
- elif self.state == PingParser.WAIT_PAYLOAD:
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.payload_length -= 1
- if self.payload_length == 0:
- self.state += 1
- elif self.state == PingParser.WAIT_CHECKSUM_L:
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.state += 1
- elif self.state == PingParser.WAIT_CHECKSUM_H:
- self.buf.append(msg_byte)
- self.rx_msg = PingMessage(msg_data=self.buf)
- # print(self.rx_msg)
- self.state = PingParser.WAIT_START
- self.payload_length = 0
- self.message_id = 0
- if self.rx_msg.verify_checksum():
- self.parsed += 1
- return PingParser.NEW_MESSAGE
- else:
- # TODO add/return error state
- print("parse error")
- self.errors += 1
- return self.state
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- # Hand-written data buffers for testing and verification
- test_protocol_version_buf = bytearray([
- 0x42,
- 0x52,
- 4,
- 0,
- 0,
- 77,
- 211,
- 1,
- 2,
- 3,
- 99,
- 0x26,
- 0x02])
- test_profile_buf = bytearray([
- 0x42, # 'B'
- 0x52, # 'R'
- 0x24, # 36_L payload length
- 0x00, # 36_H
- 0x14, # 1300_L message id
- 0x05, # 1300_H
- 56,
- 45,
- 0xe8, # 1000_L distance
- 0x03, # 1000_H
- 0x00, # 1000_H
- 0x00, # 1000_H
- 93, # 93_L confidence
- 0x00, # 93_H
- 0x3f, # 2111_L transmit duration
- 0x08, # 2111_H
- 0x1c, # 44444444_L ping number
- 0x2b, # 44444444_H
- 0xa6, # 44444444_H
- 0x02, # 44444444_H
- 0xa0, # 4000_L scan start
- 0x0f, # 4000_H
- 0x00, # 4000_H
- 0x00, # 4000_H
- 0xb8, # 35000_L scan length
- 0x88, # 35000_H
- 0x00, # 35000_H
- 0x00, # 35000_H
- 0x04, # 4_L gain setting
- 0x00, # 4_H
- 0x00, # 4_H
- 0x00, # 4_H
- 10, # 10_L profile data length
- 0x00, # 10_H
- 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, # profile data
- 0xde, # 1502_H checksum
- 0x05 # 1502_L
- ])
- p = PingParser()
- result = None
- # A text message
- print("\n---Testing protocol_version---\n")
- for byte in test_protocol_version_buf:
- result = p.parse_byte(byte)
- if result is p.NEW_MESSAGE:
- print(p.rx_msg)
- else:
- print("fail:", result)
- exit(1)
- # A dynamic vector message
- print("\n---Testing profile---\n")
- for byte in test_profile_buf:
- result = p.parse_byte(byte)
- if result is p.NEW_MESSAGE:
- print(p.rx_msg)
- else:
- print("fail:", result)
- exit(1)
diff --git a/src/ping360_sonar/polarplot.py b/src/ping360_sonar/polarplot.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 381a984..0000000
--- a/src/ping360_sonar/polarplot.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import roslib
-from sensor import Ping360
-import argparse
-import cv2
-import numpy as np
-from math import pi, cos, sin
-from std_msgs.msg import String
-from sensor_msgs.msg import Image
-from cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError
-import rospy
-from dynamic_reconfigure.server import Server
-from ping360_sonar.cfg import sonarConfig
-import json
-def callback(config, level):
- global gain, numberOfSamples, transmitFrequency, transmitDuration, sonarRange, speedOfSound, samplePeriod, debug, step, imgSize, queue_size, p
- # Update Ping 360 Parameters
- gain = config['gain']
- numberOfSamples = config['numberOfSamples']
- transmitFrequency = config['transmitFrequency']
- sonarRange = config['range']
- speedOfSound = config['speedOfSound']
- samplePeriod = calculateSamplePeriod(sonarRange, numberOfSamples, speedOfSound)
- transmitDuration = adjustTransmitDuration(sonarRange, samplePeriod, speedOfSound)
- debug = config['debug']
- step = config['step']
- queue_size = config['queueSize']
- rospy.loginfo("Reconfigure Request")
- return config
-def main():
- try:
- rospy.init_node('ping360_node')
- srv = Server(sonarConfig, callback)
- # Global Variables
- angle = 0
- imagePub = rospy.Publisher("ping360_sonar", Image, queue_size=queue_size)
- bridge = CvBridge()
- # Initialize and configure the sonar
- p.set_gain_setting(gain)
- p.set_transmit_frequency(transmitFrequency)
- p.set_transmit_duration(transmitDuration)
- p.set_sample_period(samplePeriod)
- p.set_number_of_samples(numberOfSamples)
- # Create a new mono-channel image
- image = np.zeros((imgSize, imgSize, 1), np.uint8)
- # Center point coordinates
- center = (float(imgSize/2),float(imgSize/2))
- while not rospy.is_shutdown():
- p.set_gain_setting(gain)
- p.set_transmit_frequency(transmitFrequency)
- p.set_transmit_duration(transmitDuration)
- p.set_sample_period(samplePeriod)
- p.set_number_of_samples(numberOfSamples)
- p.transmitAngle(angle)
- data = bytearray(getattr(p,'_data'))
- data_lst = [k for k in data]
- linear_factor = float(len(data_lst)) / float(center[0]) #TODO: this should probably be range/pixelsize
- try:
- for i in range(int(center[0])): #TODO: check the update polar logic on ping-viewer
- if(i < center[0]):
- pointColor = data_lst[int(i*linear_factor-1)]
- else:
- pointColor = 0
- for k in np.linspace(0,step,8*step):
- theta = 2*pi*(angle+k)/400.0
- x = float(i)*cos(theta)
- y = float(i)*sin(theta)
- image[int(center[0]+x)][int(center[1]+y)][0] = pointColor
- except IndexError:
- continue
- angle = (angle + step) % 400
- if debug:
- cv2.imshow("PolarPlot",image)
- cv2.waitKey(27)
- else:
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()
- publish(image, imagePub, bridge)
- rospy.sleep(0.1)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print("Shutting down")
- cv2.destroyAllWindows()
-def publish(image, imagePub, bridge):
- try:
- imagePub.publish(bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(image, "mono8"))
- except CvBridgeError as e:
- print(e)
-# https://discuss.bluerobotics.com/t/please-provide-some-answer-regards-ping360/6393/3?u=stormix
-def calculateSamplePeriod(distance, numberOfSamples, speedOfSound, _samplePeriodTickDuration = 25e-9):
- # type: (float, int, int, float) -> float
- """
- Calculate the sample period based in the new range
- """
- return 2*distance/(numberOfSamples*speedOfSound*_samplePeriodTickDuration)
-def adjustTransmitDuration(distance, samplePeriod, speedOfSound, _firmwareMinTransmitDuration = 5):
- # type: (float, float, int, int) -> float
- """
- @brief Adjust the transmit duration for a specific range
- Per firmware engineer:
- 1. Starting point is TxPulse in usec = ((one-way range in metres) * 8000) / (Velocity of sound in metres
- per second)
- 2. Then check that TxPulse is wide enough for currently selected sample interval in usec, i.e.,
- if TxPulse < (2.5 * sample interval) then TxPulse = (2.5 * sample interval)
- 3. Perform limit checking
- @return Transmit duration
- """
- # 1
- duration = 8000 * distance / speedOfSound
- # 2 (transmit duration is microseconds, samplePeriod() is nanoseconds)
- transmit_duration = max(2.5*getSamplePeriod(samplePeriod)/1000, duration)
- # 3
- return max(_firmwareMinTransmitDuration, min(transmitDurationMax(samplePeriod), transmit_duration))
-def transmitDurationMax(samplePeriod, _firmwareMaxTransmitDuration = 500):
- # type: (float, int) -> float
- """
- @brief The maximum transmit duration that will be applied is limited internally by the
- firmware to prevent damage to the hardware
- The maximum transmit duration is equal to 64 * the sample period in microseconds
- @return The maximum transmit duration possible
- """
- return min(_firmwareMaxTransmitDuration, getSamplePeriod(samplePeriod) * 64e6)
-def getSamplePeriod(samplePeriod, _samplePeriodTickDuration = 25e-9):
- # type: (float, float) -> float
- """ Sample period in ns """
- return samplePeriod*_samplePeriodTickDuration
-# Ping 360 Parameters
-device = rospy.get_param('~device',"/dev/ttyUSB0")
-baudrate = rospy.get_param('~baudrate', 115200)
-gain = rospy.get_param('~gain', 0)
-numberOfSamples = rospy.get_param('~numberOfSamples', 200) # Number of points
-transmitFrequency = rospy.get_param('~transmitFrequency', 740) # Default frequency
-sonarRange = rospy.get_param('~sonarRange', 1) # in m
-speedOfSound = rospy.get_param('~speedOfSound', 1500) # in m/s
-samplePeriod = calculateSamplePeriod(sonarRange, numberOfSamples, speedOfSound)
-transmitDuration = adjustTransmitDuration(sonarRange, samplePeriod, speedOfSound)
-debug = rospy.get_param('~debug', True)
-# Output and ROS parameters
-step = rospy.get_param('~step', 1)
-imgSize = rospy.get_param('~imgSize', 500)
-queue_size= rospy.get_param('~queueSize', 1)
-p = Ping360(device, baudrate)
-print("Initialized: %s" % p.initialize())
diff --git a/src/ping360_sonar/sensor.py b/src/ping360_sonar/sensor.py
index 59b7d5f..5bfd3ee 100644
--- a/src/ping360_sonar/sensor.py
+++ b/src/ping360_sonar/sensor.py
@@ -1,15 +1,24 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
# ping360.py
# A device API for the Blue Robotics Ping360 scanning sonar
from brping import definitions
-from brping import PingDevice
+from device import PingDevice
from brping import pingmessage
import serial
import time
class Ping360(PingDevice):
+ _gain_setting = 0
+ _mode = 0
+ _angle = 0
+ _transmit_duration = 0
+ _sample_period = 0
+ _transmit_frequency = 100
+ _number_of_samples = 10
def initialize(self):
if not PingDevice.initialize(self):
return False
@@ -25,23 +34,22 @@ def initialize(self):
# @return None if there is no reply from the device, otherwise a dictionary with the following keys:\n
# mode: Operating mode (1 for Ping360)\n
# gain_setting: Analog gain setting (0 = low, 1 = normal, 2 = high)\n
- # angle: Units: gradian Head angle\n
- # transmit_duration: Units: microsecond Acoustic transmission duration (1~1000 microseconds)\n
+ # angle: Units: gradian; Head angle\n
+ # transmit_duration: Units: microsecond; Acoustic transmission duration (1~1000 microseconds)\n
# sample_period: Time interval between individual signal intensity samples in 25nsec increments (80 to 40000 == 2 microseconds to 1000 microseconds)\n
- # transmit_frequency: Units: kHz Acoustic operating frequency. Frequency range is 500kHz to 1000kHz, however it is only practical to use say 650kHz to 850kHz due to the narrow bandwidth of the acoustic receiver.\n
+ # transmit_frequency: Units: kHz; Acoustic operating frequency. Frequency range is 500kHz to 1000kHz, however it is only practical to use say 650kHz to 850kHz due to the narrow bandwidth of the acoustic receiver.\n
# number_of_samples: Number of samples per reflected signal\n
# data: 8 bit binary data array representing sonar echo strength\n
def get_device_data(self):
- if self.request(definitions.PING360_DEVICE_DATA, 4) is None:
- print("empty request")
+ if self.request(definitions.PING360_DEVICE_DATA) is None:
return None
data = ({
"mode": self._mode, # Operating mode (1 for Ping360)
"gain_setting": self._gain_setting, # Analog gain setting (0 = low, 1 = normal, 2 = high)
- "angle": self._angle, # Units: gradian Head angle
- "transmit_duration": self._transmit_duration, # Units: microsecond Acoustic transmission duration (1~1000 microseconds)
+ "angle": self._angle, # Units: gradian; Head angle
+ "transmit_duration": self._transmit_duration, # Units: microsecond; Acoustic transmission duration (1~1000 microseconds)
"sample_period": self._sample_period, # Time interval between individual signal intensity samples in 25nsec increments (80 to 40000 == 2 microseconds to 1000 microseconds)
- "transmit_frequency": self._transmit_frequency, # Units: kHz Acoustic operating frequency. Frequency range is 500kHz to 1000kHz, however it is only practical to use say 650kHz to 850kHz due to the narrow bandwidth of the acoustic receiver.
+ "transmit_frequency": self._transmit_frequency, # Units: kHz; Acoustic operating frequency. Frequency range is 500kHz to 1000kHz, however it is only practical to use say 650kHz to 850kHz due to the narrow bandwidth of the acoustic receiver.
"number_of_samples": self._number_of_samples, # Number of samples per reflected signal
"data": self._data, # 8 bit binary data array representing sonar echo strength
@@ -211,9 +219,7 @@ def transmitAngle(self, angle):
- return self.wait_message([definitions.PING360_DEVICE_DATA, definitions.COMMON_NACK], 0.5)
+ return self.wait_message([definitions.PING360_DEVICE_DATA, definitions.COMMON_NACK], 4.0)
def transmit(self):
return self.transmitAngle(self._angle)