Edge - Web Application (Private Repository)
Start: September 3rd, Completed: December 5th
It was made with 5 other collegues (Ribal , Anas , Ruslan , Maria and Marwan ).
This web application was made with:
React.js with JavaScript, HTML and CSS on the frontend [Marwan (design, CSS) and I (logic of the website, integration between backend and frontend)]
NodeJS and Express with MySQL on the backend [Ribal , Anas and I]
It is a social platform. It can be compared to Facebook.
The user can login and signup succesfully. Once he is logged in, the dashboard shows up along with his name on the side.
The user can post on the dashboard, comment to posts and like/dislike posts.
The user can access to his profile page.
The user can change/upload his banner and profile picture.
The user can see his received messages.
The user can see groups to join. Once a request to join is sent, the admin of the group receives a notification and accepts or rejects the member.
The user can make a new group.
The user can view a group if they are a member of the group.
The user can search for groups also.
Finally, if we go back to the homepage dashboard, the user can tag other users on posts and comments. The user tagged will receive a notification.
System Architecture Diagram
Entity Relationship Diagram