Request X Ticketing application
Procedural PHP 7 using mysqli (Mailservice API connection is object oriented)
You need to create a db_credentials.php from db_credentials_template.php to provide your own database credentials. Please also adapt the "SUPPORT_EMAIL" in configuration.php
E-mail notifications are send
- when a new ticket is created (to the responsible) and
- when the status is changed to done (to the requester)
- when a new comment is created (without the %%silent%% option)
If the %%noemailreply%% option is added into the comment, a non-existing email is used instead of the email address of the comment creator.
Database tested: MariaDB 10
The version on Master is working fine.
Dev / Demo instance
User: "Demo"
Pw: "DragonClaw1"
Helpful how-to if you want to contribute (it would be awesome!):