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Running instance on Rinkeby

This document describes deployment and administration of contracts using hardhat console.

For example, to start console configured for Rinkeby network:

Prepare wallet

Update contracts/.env

# Connect using mnemonic

# or connect using single private key

If using single private key, update hardhat.config.ts:


// Change Rinkeby to: 
  accounts: [ `0x${WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY}` ],

Open hardhat console

cd contracts/
yarn hardhat console --network rinkeby

Prepare .env file You will need to set up an RPC provider for the RINKEBY_JSONRPC_HTTP_URL variable. Can use infura, pocket, alchemy, etc.


MACI factory

Deploy MACI factory:

const [deployer] = await ethers.getSigners()
const { deployMaciFactory } = require('./utils/deployment')
const maciFactory = await deployMaciFactory(deployer, 'medium')

The deployMaciFactory function deploys MACI factory and other contracts required by it:

  • Poseidon T3 library
  • Poseidon T6 library
  • State tree batch update verifier contract
  • Quadratic vote tally verifier contract

Alternatively, one can deploy these contracts one by one:

const { deployContract, deployMaciFactory } = require('./utils/deployment')
const poseidonT3 = await deployContract(deployer, ':PoseidonT3')
const poseidonT6 = await deployContract(deployer, ':PoseidonT6')
const batchUstVerifier = await deployContract(deployer, 'BatchUpdateStateTreeVerifierMedium')
const qvtVerifier = await deployContract(deployer, 'QuadVoteTallyVerifierMedium')
const maciFactory = await deployMaciFactory(deployer, 'medium', { poseidonT3, poseidonT6, batchUstVerifier, qvtVerifier })

Funding round factory

Funding round factory is the main contract. Its owner configures and manages the deployment and finalization of funding rounds.

Deploy funding round factory:

const FundingRoundFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory('FundingRoundFactory', deployer)
const factory = await FundingRoundFactory.deploy(maciFactory.address)

Transfer ownership of MACI factory:

await maciFactory.transferOwnership(factory.address)

User registry can work with any user registry that implements IUserRegistry interface.

For example, to deploy the simple user registry:

const SimpleUserRegistry = await ethers.getContractFactory('SimpleUserRegistry', deployer)
const userRegistry = await SimpleUserRegistry.deploy()

or to deploy BrightID user registry:

const BrightIdUserRegistry = await ethers.getContractFactory('BrightIdUserRegistry', deployer)
const userRegistry = await BrightIdUserRegistry.deploy('<context>', '<verifier-address>')

Configure funding round factory to use registry:

await factory.setUserRegistry(userRegistry.address)

Recipient registry can work with any recipient registry that implements IRecipientRegistry interface.

For example, to deploy Optimistic Recipient Registry

const OptimisticRecipientRegistry = await ethers.getContractFactory('OptimisticRecipientRegistry', deployer)
const securityDeposit = ethers.BigNumber.from(10).pow(ethers.BigNumber.from(18)).div(10) // 0.1 ETH
const recipientRegistry = await OptimisticRecipientRegistry.deploy(securityDeposit, 300, deployer.address)

or to deploy Kleros GTCR adapter:

const KlerosGTCRAdapter = await ethers.getContractFactory('KlerosGTCRAdapter', deployer)
const recipientRegistry = await KlerosGTCRAdapter.deploy('<kleros-gtcr-address>', factory.address)

Transferring registry ownership

If registry contracts inherit from OpenZeppelin's Ownable contract, you can transfer ownership after you deploy:

const factory = await ethers.getContractAt('FundingRoundFactory', factory.address)
const recipientRegistryAddress = await factory.recipientRegistry()
const registry = await ethers.getContractAt('OptimisticRecipientRegistry', recipientRegistryAddress)
const transferTx = await registry.transferOwnership('<new-owner-address>')


Configure funding round factory to use registry:

await factory.setRecipientRegistry(recipientRegistry.address)

Set native token:

const rinkebyDaiAddress = '0x5592ec0cfb4dbc12d3ab100b257153436a1f0fea'
await factory.setToken(rinkebyDaiAddress)

If a coordinator key has not yet been created. Make sure you save your keys in a file as they will not be displayed again, and you're private key is needed to generate the proofs at the end, and tally the votes:

// Generate coordinator key
const { Keypair } = require('maci-domainobjs')
const keypair = new Keypair()
const coordinatorPubKey = keypair.pubKey
const serializedCoordinatorPrivKey = keypair.privKey.serialize()
const serializedCoordinatorPubKey = keypair.pubKey.serialize()
// Save the below keys elsewhere
console.log('Private key:', serializedCoordinatorPrivKey)
console.log('Public key: ', serializedCoordinatorPubKey)
// Set coordinator:
await factory.setCoordinator(deployer.address, coordinatorPubKey.asContractParam())

If using an existing coordinator key:

const serializedCoordinatorPubKey = '<coordinator-pub-key>'
const { PubKey } = require('maci-domainobjs')
const coordinatorPubKey = PubKey.unserialize(serializedCoordinatorPubKey)
await factory.setCoordinator(deployer.address, coordinatorPubKey.asContractParam())

Note, when calling .setCoordinator() a different address can be used for the coordinator. "Deployer" used here.

Set MACI parameters:

let { MaciParameters } = require('./utils/maci')
let maciFactory = await ethers.getContractAt('MACIFactory', maciFactory.address)
let maciParameters = await
maciParameters.update({ signUpDuration: 86400 * 14, votingDuration: 86400 * 3 })
await factory.setMaciParameters(...maciParameters.values())

Add funding source (if needed):

await factory.addFundingSource(deployer.address)

Note, a different address can be used for the funding source. "Deployer" used here.

Or remove funding source:

await factory.removeFundingSource('<address>')

Running the funding round

Administrator of instance should set parameters before starting the funding round. Once the round has started, it is mostly autonomous and its parameters can not be changed. It can only be finalized (allowing recipients to claim allocated funding) or cancelled (allowing contributors can withdraw their funds).

Start new funding round:

await factory.deployNewRound()

Info to keep track of:


Finalize current round and transfer matching funds to the pool:

await factory.transferMatchingFunds('<total-spent>', '<total-spent-salt>')

The arguments for transferMatchingFunds method should be taken from tally.json file published by the coordinator:

  • total-spent value can be found by key totalVoiceCredits.spent.
  • total-spent-salt value can be found by key totalVoiceCredits.salt.

Cancel current round:

await factory.cancelCurrentRound()

User interface

User interface can be configured using environment variables. See .env file example for details.

If following along with Rinkeby, make sure to update VUE_APP_CLRFUND_FACTORY_ADDRESS with your Rinkeby funding factory address, and update VUE_APP_ETHEREUM_API_URL with a Rinkeby provider (ie. Infura or Alchemy). Double check you are using the same user and recipient registry types as used during deployment above.

Build the dApp for production:

yarn build

Add static files to IPFS:

ipfs add -r vue-app/dist/
yarn start:web

deployRound Script

There is a new deployRound script that has been created that automates the above process (minus taking the new factory address and injecting it into the UI). To run this, first change directories to the contracts folder, run the following:

npx hardhat run --network {network-name} scripts/deployRound.ts