All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fixed an address validation error related to address model changes. #49
- Fixed an address validation error related to estimated address changes.
- Craft 4 compatibility.
- Updated Avatax SDK to version 22.3.0.
- Fixed Guzzle version conflict. #44
- Fixed errors that occur when running from the console. #42
- Added the ability to override the Tax Calculation setting using hidden form inputs. #40
- Fixed an issue where after install event breaks automated testing - thanks @davist11. #37
- Fixed an error that could occur when logging a tax calculation error. #35
- Fixed an error when using a dropdown for the product tax code field. #34
- Allow for live and sandbox credentials to be set as ENV variables with autosuggest fields in the plugin settings to keep sensitive info out of Project Config. #11 30
- Update config override example to default to multi-environment settings with ENV examples.
- For new installs the address validation setting will be disabled by default.
- Better error handling. No longer throw exceptions on the front end but log more complete error responses. #29 #31
- Fixed an issue where updating the shipping state did not refresh the cached order. #27
- Skip address validation for estimated addresses to avoid errors with incomplete addresses. #22
- Fixed an issue where updating the shipping state did not refresh the cached tax. #24
- Fixed an issue where addresses returned by Avalara as unresolved were still considered valid. #25
- Fixed an issue where settings fields were readonly even when not being overridden by config file. #20
- Added Commerce 3 compatibility.
- AvaTax now requires Craft 3.3 and Craft Commerce 2.2 or later, or Craft 3.4 and Craft Commerce 3.0 and later.
- Fixed deprecation errors caused by
- thanks @jmauzyk! - Fixed asset bundle namespace - thanks @abryrath!
- Fixed potential bug in json address validation if country was not set in address model
- Added a json endpoint to use for ajax CertCapture client lookup on the front end (more)
- Added a setting to disable sending partial refunds to AvaTax (more)
- Added a json endpoint to use for ajax address validation on the front end (more)
- Fixed an issue where additional partial refunds would not be processed after the first because AvaTax requires unique document ids
- Added support for overriding the Customer Code sent to Avalara based on the value of a User or Order field (more)
- Fixed deprecation error (pull request #8)
- Discounts for a specific line item now send the line item tax code instead of the default discount code (pull request #4)
- Fixed an bug where address validation was being triggered in the control panel when saving a user (#5)
- Added control panel icon
- Added Avalara certification badge to README
- Fixed typo in README installation instructions
- Fixed depracation warnings
- Added support for partial refunds
- Initial beta release for Craft 3 and Commerce 2