IDA Pro plugin making easier work on BinDiff results.
Codemap is a binary analysis tool for "run-trace visualization" provided as IDA plugin.
Some scripts for IDA Pro to assist with reverse engineering EFI binaries
IDA processor/loader for EsetCrackme 2015.
Miscellaneous IDA scripts and projects.
idaemu is an IDA Pro Plugin - use for emulating code in IDA Pro.
IDA plugin for software complexity metrics assessment.
IDA Pro Full Instruction Reference Plugin - It's like auto-comments but useful.
Advanced skinning plugin for IDA Pro
An IDA plugin to demangle Swift function names.
IDA Viewer Plugins
Labeless is a plugin system for dynamic, seamless and realtime synchronization between IDA Database and Olly. It consists of two parts: IDA plugin and OllyDbg plugin.
NRS is a set of Python librairies used to unpack and analysis NSIS installer's data. It also feature an IDA plugin used to disassembly the NSIS Script of an installer.
This repository contains a collection of IDA Pro scripts and plugins.
Debugger plugin for IDA Pro backed by the Unicorn Engine.
What Would Capstone Decode - IDA plugin that implements a Capstone powered IDA view.