Follow Section 1: Lecture 2 (Environment-Setup) on Udemy :)
Download and install
Open VScode and Clone Repository > Link <
- Sign in to your Github account if asked. (Github Account Required)
- Download and Extract Data folder inside Repo Directory > Link <
Configure Vscode
You wil need to setup git on your computer for commiting, pushing etc.
Setup git and link to VSCODE by following this GUIDE (Step 2 Onwards)
Once done, Install Required and Optional Extension for VScode
- Required: Python
- Optional: GitGraph + vscode-icons + atom one dark theme
Then, Setup Python Path for Integrated terminal to point to the Workspace Directory.
Done to solve Import errors.
- Press Ctrl + Shift + P to open Command Palette
- Go to Users.setting.json
- Add the following line
"": { "PYTHONPATH": "${workspaceFolder}" }
- Restart VScode
Setup Virtual Environment
- Open Cmd Prompt and navigate to repo directory,
- Start by adding a new module virtualenv using pip.
pip install --user virtualenv
This will be used to create virtual environments
Create a virtual enivonment named venv_3.8.10
python -m virtualenv MCV_Venv
Activate Virtual envronment
Install required libraries using pip.
pip install –r requirements.txt
Change python in vscode to point to Virtual Environment Python.
- Perform change by clicking on python in bottom right corner of Vscode.
Test by running to see if it works
Congratulations, You are now all set to follow the course. :)