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174 lines (129 loc) · 8.14 KB

Build status — Travis-CI

OpenEssayist changelog


  • Date: ~ 26-Oct-2018 ~ 12-Feb-2019 ~ to be confirmed!
  • GDPR — privacy policy — templates/pages/privacy.twig (Bug #1 / Bug #38)
  • GDPR — only store student OUCU in database, not full-name (Bug #1)
  • GDPR — update IET-OU/sams-c-auth PHP library, and only allow registered students (and staff) to access, not visitors / "prospects" (Bug #1)
  • Fix — remove non-brand-compliant OpenEssayist logo;
  • Add HTTP Basic Auth to apache/nginx configurations (approval server) — app/_data/*.conf;
  • Move route definitions to separate file — app/utils/routes.php;
  • Move app/config.php to config/app.php — Laravel convention;
  • Add 'Auto-assign student to group' and 'GDPR' section(s) to README;
  • Date: ~ 12 June 2018
  • Fix to 'control' the task.code field — make it readonly in the Twig/HTML template — admin editor (Bug #37)
  • Fix, make the task.wordcount field requiredadmin editor;
  • Fix/set isgroup flag in Login..::createUserSams() (Bug #35)
  • Add twig-lint to the Travis-CI test;
  • Add Authentication section to README;
  • Date: ~ 19 February 2018,
  • Add database column users.visit_count; record user's login (Bug #35),
  • Set maxlength to 30,000 characters in app/config.php,
  • Fix for user-roles in SAMS authentication,
  • Fix user-interface texts in templates ('My assignments', 'Feedback'),
  • Fix handling of database connection errors,
  • Add automated accessibility testing — pa11y-ci (Bug #36).
  • Date: 7 February 2018 (Development: 10 Jan - 6 Feb.)
  • Tag: 3.0.0-beta (Describe: v2.6-111-g71a6a5f)
  • Notes: Google Docs
  • Built on: PHP 7.0 / Slim framework v 2.2.0 / MySQL

Below are the headline items. More details are in Google Docs.


  • Added configurable maxlength character limit to the draft-essay submission form — prevent analyser errors; reduce server-load (Bug #30)
  • Made error messages to user more user-friendly — for example, prefixed them with "Sorry. ...",
  • (No other new user-interface features/functions — apart from SAMS authentication below.)


  • Added OU-SAMS-based authentication and account creation — via separate library (Bug #27)
  • Fix PHP dependencies - upgrade from dev-master to released versions, in composer.json and composer.lock (Bug #20)
  • Configuration — rename app/config.php to app/config.DIST.php,
  • Configuration — make rd_save_path, analyser_url etc. configurable (Bug #23)
  • Added Travis-CI continuous integration, with PHP linting [QA] (maintainability) (Bug #20)
  • Moved core EssayAnalyser wrapper code to separate class (maintainability) (Bug #32)
  • Moved a lot of require and Twig configuration from front controller (index.php) to separate PHP files (maintainability) (Bug #31)
  • Moved database connection code from app/config.php to separate class (Bug #31)
  • Broke model classes into separate files (find-ability),
  • Added missing logging; improved error-handling (debugging aid, analytics),
  • Added status / uptime controller — shows status of backend analyser service (as well as front),
  • Eased and documented installation and setup, via README, Composer scripts.


  • Database schema fixes and edits - add dates/times, reduce column lengths (Bug #25)
  • Add analysis start/end time columns (Bug #25)
  • Prevent Web application from automatically creating database, tables, seeding test/example data (Bug #24)
  • New app/cli.php to create tables, seed with minimal/ configurable user, group and task data,
  • Configuration/ connection fixes to ensure data is sent/stored as UTF-8 in database (Bug #26).


  • Javascript moved from base.html.twig and site.twig templates to separate JS files (maintainability, performance),
  • Javascript moved from some drafts/view.*.twig templates to separate JS files,
  • Added semistandard linting to Travis-CI for 'openessayist' Javascripts — lots of fixes [QA]
  • Third-party Javascript/CSS versions documented in package.json,
  • Transferred more key 3rd-party Javascript libraries to CDN (performance),
  • Centralised versioning of 3rd-party Javascript — via VersionedAsset PHP class (Bug #33)
  • Upgraded jQuery from 1.9.1 to 2.2.4 (can't upgrade to 3.x - Bootstrap bug?)
  • Added Google Analytics.


  • Add missing Open University copyright statements — in PHP, Javascript, user-interface, composer.json (Bug #20)
  • Added Nicolas Van Labeke (vanch3d) to composer.json
  • Removed legacy composer.phar binary from Git; removed ./ (2.6 MB)
  • Moved unused Javascript from Twig templates to separate JS file(s),
  • Added test data — sourced from Project Gutenberg and ORO,
  • Documentation, changelog (Bug #34).

version 2.7 - ready for Phase II Evaluation

version 2.6 - ready for September evaluation

  • Date: 16 August 2013.

version 2.4 - August User Testing


  • Date: 15 May 2013.
  • Tag: v2_user_testing

Version 2 of openEssayist, ready for user testing

Previous versions

  • v2_user_testing, v2.2, v2.3 — 15 May to 30 July 2013.
  • See: releases
  • Original developer: vanch3d.


© The Open University. (Institute of Educational Technology)