bigd is a free library of multiple-precision arithmetic routines written in ANSI C to carry out calculations with the large natural numbers used in cryptography computations.
The bigd library is designed to work with the set of natural numbers N; that is, the non-negative integers 0,1,2,... .
This library is based on cmake as a build system and conan as a package manager so you should install it before starting (at least version 3.10 and 1.23 respectively).
You can build the library by running :
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUID_TYPE=<Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo|MinSizeRel> ..
cmake --build . -j
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build . --config <Debug|Release|RelWithDebInfo|MinSizeRel> -j
An additional cmake flag can be provided :
prefixes the install path
After building the library you may install it by running :
cmake --install .
You can create a conan package by running :
conan create . <organization>/<stable|testing> -s compiler.libcxx=stdlibc++
This command will create a conan package by scanning your default environment; your platform and your compiler. If you want to override some of these, you can provide additional conan command line arguments such as :
-s compiler=
to change the compiler. You should provide only the compiler name without the version-s compiler.version=
to change the compiler version-s buid_type=<Debug|Release>
-e <CC|CXX>=
to change the compiler. This argument is for cmake so you must provide the complete compiler name; so the compiler name with its version.
First create a bintray account then create a bintray repository. Second run the following commands once the conan package created properly :
conan remote add <name> <url>
conan user -p <token> -r <name> <account>
conan upload bigd/<version>@<organization>/<stable|testing> -r=<name> --all
is a user-defined remote name<url>
is the bintray conan repository url; it looks like<organization>/<repository>
is the bintray token for your bintray repository.<account>
is your bintray account name.