Streamlining and expediting a data scientist's CI/CD workflow leveraging prebaked functionalities of agentless Azure DevOps Pipelines, Azure Functions, and Azure Service Bus Queues.
- Avoiding relying on build agents that might be preoccupied to run notebooks
- Improved telemetry in the DevOps UI to debug notebook failures
- Support for testing and validating against custom images
- Quicker run-times from avoiding slow-downs associated with build agents
- Azure ML Pipelines are an alternative to the Service Bus + Azure Function combination. There is more of a story around shipping this module with an ML Workspace. There have been concerns over how third parties would have to initialize the Azure Function Application and Service Bus Queue with the current implementation.
- Event Grid or a similar event-driven trigger on completion of a Run would allow for a more integrated, platform-level replacement to the current code-injection method.
- Making this a more agnostic solution will require thought on our current, in-house
solution and how a more generally applicable solution might be achieved. Other aspects like Git Integration can be streamlined by requiring all repositories to be imported into Azure DevOps to allow DevOps to handle authentication. - The benefits of agentlessness are felt most when all phases in a pipeline are agentless. Therefore, phases like Get Changed Notebooks should also be moved to an agentless architecture whenever possible.
- RunNotebookFunctionApp
- run_notebook_service_bus
- handlers
This agent-based pipeline prepares the deployment environment, unit-tests, bundles, and finally deploys the Azure Function Application:
- stage: Deployment jobs: - job: pool: vmImage: 'ubuntu-16.04' steps: - task: UsePythonVersion@0 - bash: pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt - bash: pytest - task: ArchiveFiles@2 - task: AzureFunctionApp@1
This agentless pipeline runs a given notebook with a given imagine on a specified compute target, and provides telemetry results as test runs in the DevOps UI.
- stage: Validation jobs: - job: pool: server steps: - task: PublishToAzureServiceBus@1
This file controls the dependencies required for the Azure Function. This is mainly the Azure ML SDK, its associated dependencies, and support for HTTP requests, file system manipulation, etc.
When deploying the function app, these are injected into the package, as seem in the deployment YAML file:
pip3.6 install -r requirements.txt
This file specifies the location of main function (e.g.
), as well as the Service Bus binding for the function.
This script holds all the pythonic logic of the application. The main function is short, favoring a helper function to handle the distinct job types:
Fetches the repository of interest, creates a new Experiment SDK Object, and submits a set of notebook Runs to that object after injecting try-catch statements to facilitate callbacks to the DevOps pipeline.
Updates the DevOps Test Runs based on results from Azure ML Compute, and checks to close the pipeline in all Runs are completed.
This script handles all Azure ML SDK-related logic, managing Azure ML Workspace-related tasks:
This function authenticates with the ML Workspace with a Service Principal connection, fetches the Workspace, and then fetches and returns a new Experiment.
This function generates a RunConfiguration based on the pipeline parameters, specifying such things as the ComputeTarget and CondaDependencies. More flexible of Run configurations can easily be implemented.
This function submits a new Run with configurations based on the pipeline parameters.
This function fetches a Run by its RunID tag specified by the DevOps Test Run.
This function determines the status of the pipeline by fetching all Runs and checking their status
This script handles all DevOps related tasks:
This function, along with its helper functions, closes the DevOps Pipeline via the DevOps API.
This function, along with its helper functions, creates a new DevOps Test Run via the DevOps API.
This function, along with its helper functions, updates a DevOps Test Run via the DevOps API.
This function, along with its helper functions, uploads a DevOps Test Run Attachment via the DevOps API.
This function, along with its helper functions, adds a DevOps Test Run Result with result telemetry via the DevOps API.
This function, along with its helper functions, downloads a zip of a specified DevOps repository and a specific branch and subfolder.
This script handles all file IO related tasks:
This function unzips a repository archive and places it in the staging directory for
to access.
This function injects pip dependencies into the Conda file specified in the pipeline parameters.
This function adds try-catches around each code-block of a notebook with callbacks to re-trigger the Azure Function when the notebook is finished running.
Note: this is a not an "ideal" solution from an architectural perspective, but a more platform-level, agnostic approach (e.g. with Event Grid integration for triggering the Function) is currently out of scope.
This function removes try-catches around each code-block of a notebook after the notebook has been executed in Azure ML Compute so that results can be displayed cleanly in Azure DevOps.
This function finds a notebook's release.json file to determine dependencies, requirements, and other run parameters.
This function moves repository files from the staging directory into the snapshot directory, keeping the snapshot directory as small and light-weight as possible to run a specific notebook.
This class, Notebook
, handles all code manipulation for notebooks to be fed to Azure ML Compute:
This function adds a collection of lines of code at the front or back of a collection of specified code cells.
This function adds new code cell for pre- or post-execution scripts.
This function removes all lines of code injected by inject_code from a collection of specified code cells. It also removes injected code cells from the beginning and end of the notebook.
Name | Description | Example Value | Where To Find |
do.organization | DevOps Organization's Name | example-organization-name | DevOps Organization's Mnemonic Name |
do.project | DevOps Project's Name | example-project-name | DevOps Project's Mnemonic Name |
ex.compute | Azure ML Compute Target's Name | example-compute | Machine Learning Workspace's Assets |
ex.image | Azure ML Compute's Target Image | | Azure ML SDK's RunConfig Module |
fx.azureSubscription | Azure Subscription for Function App | ExampleSubscription(a1234567-89bc-0123-def4-abc56789def) | Function App's Overview | | Function App's Name | example-function-app | Function App's Mnemonic Name |
gh.repo | Location of GitHub Repository | | GitHub Repository's Overview |
rp.condaFile | Repository's Conda File Location | src/example-notebooks/environment.yml | Repository's File Directory |
rp.notebooks | Repository's Notebooks to Run | one.ipynb,two.ipynb,three.ipynb | Repository's File Directory |
rp.version | Repository's Commit/Branch of Interest | "bb7ad65dbc727ec09fe0613d51ce8585087de1b1", "master", "dev", etc. | GitHub Repository's Overview |
sb.connection | Service Bus Queue's Connection String | Endpoint=sb:// | Service Bus Queue's Shared Access Policies | | Service Bus Queue's Name | example-queue-name | Service Bus Queue's Mnemonic Name |
sp.client | Service Principal's Application (client) ID | GUID (e.g. a1234567-89bc-0123-def4-abc56789def) | App Registration's Overview |
sp.password | Service Principal's Password | 32 character alphanumeric string (e.g. A/fb0...) | App Registration's Client Secret |
sp.tenant | Service Principal's Directory (tenant) ID | GUID (e.g. a1234567-89bc-0123-def4-abc56789def) | App Registration's Overview | | Machine Learning Workspace's Name | example-ws-name | Workspace's Mnemonic Name |
ws.resourceGroup | Workspace's Resource Group's Name | example-resource-group-name | Workspace's Overview |
ws.subscription | Machine Learning Service Workspace's Subscription ID | GUID (e.g. a1234567-89bc-0123-def4-abc56789def) | Workspace's Overview |
Name | Description | Example Value |
system.AccessToken | DevOps Bearer Token | Long Opaque String |
system.HostType | DevOps Pipeline Type | "build" |
system.JobId | DevOps Pipeline Identifier | GUID (e.g. a1234567-89bc-0123-def4-abc56789def) |
system.PlanId | DevOps Pipeline Identifier | GUID (e.g. a1234567-89bc-0123-def4-abc56789def) |
system.TaskInstanceId | DevOps Pipeline Identifier | GUID (e.g. a1234567-89bc-0123-def4-abc56789def) |
system.TeamProjectId | DevOps Pipeline Identifier | GUID (e.g. a1234567-89bc-0123-def4-abc56789def) |