ROS-based tutorials using the NOOS Cloud Robotics platform
git clone
cd noos_ros_tutorials
source devel/setup.bash
If your Noos API is not installed in the default path /usr/local
use the following line:
catkin_make -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=your_path
Loop is a basic example about how to use Noos API in a simple loop using the same object, but changing the content which is sent to the cloud platform.
The example sends an image every second to detect a face in the image.
An usb camera can be used to check the results, otherwise the same
image will be sent. The image can be found in /data
folder as lenna.png
To run it:
rosrun loop loop_node
Vision Batch example shows how to use the class vision_batch
of the
Noos API.
The example sends an image to the cloud platform every second to detect a face in the image. If a face is found, a second call is done to the platform, but in this case, the image is cropped to send only the face for recogniting the face expression and the age.
An usb camera can be used to check the results, otherwise the same
image will be sent. The image can be found in /data
folder as lenna.png
To run it:
rosrun vision_batch vision_batch_node
In this example shows how to do SLAM using a laser
to create the map.
For doing SLAM, a configuration file needs to be loaded to the platform
before sending the sensor data. It should be modified with your sensor
specification and the accuracy that you require. The default config file
is /data/icp.ini
The program sends laser data to the cloud platform and it returns the
pose of the robot in the map. The platform creates internally a map called
. The name can be changed in the file src/slam.cpp
To read the laser data other node is required which is going to publish
the laser data in the topic /scan
In this example is used the RPlidar version 2
laser and their ROS package.
It is a submodule, so for using it you need the next steps first:
git submodule init
git submodule update
If you have an RPlidar v2
you can use the launch file that is created
in this example:
roslaunch slam slam_launch.launch
If you create your own laser node, run your node and then :
rosrun slam slam_node
- Noos API
- Boost >= 1.58
- OpenCV >= 3.1
- OpenSSL
- Threads