- Ethereum Name Service
- Ethereum Classic Name Service
- Wanchain Name Service
- QuarkChain Name Service
- ICON Name Service
- Tomochain Name Service
- NEO Name Service
Include the module you need. Initialize it with endpoint and specify the network ID.
const Ethereum = require("../../lib/BNS").Ethereum
const ethereum = new Ethereum({
restURL: `https://mainnet.infura.io`,
networkId: '1'
: The endpoint is main net.3
: The endpoint is test net.
EthereumNameService allows users to resolve a domain name and get the context, address or multihash related to it. The following exapmle shows how to get resolver of a domain.
(async () => {
try {
const resolver = await ethereum.EthereumNameService.getResolver("portalnetwork.eth")
} catch (error) {
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the resolver address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's resolver address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded content of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded content.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded multihash of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded multihash.
Include the module you need. Initialize it with endpoint and specify the network ID.
const EthereumClassic = require("../../../lib/BNS").EthereumClassic
const ethereumClassic = new EthereumClassic({
restURL: 'https://etc-parity.0xinfra.com',
networkId: '1'
: The endpoint is main net.3
: The endpoint is test net.
EthereumClassicNameService allows users to resolve a domain name and get the context, address or multihash related to it. The following exapmle shows how to get resolver of a domain.
(async () => {
try {
const resolver = await ethereumClassic.EthereumClassicNameService.getResolver("portalnetwork.etc")
} catch (error) {
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the resolver address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's resolver address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded content of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded content.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded multihash of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded multihash.
Include the module you need. Initialize it with endpoint and specify the network ID.
const Wanchain = require("../../../lib/BNS").Wanchain
const wanchain = new Wanchain({
restURL: 'http://wanchain-testnet.portal.network',
networkId: '3'
: The endpoint is main net.3
: The endpoint is test net.
WanchainNameService allows users to resolve a domain name and get the context, address or multihash related to it. The following exapmle shows how to get resolver of a domain.
(async () => {
try {
const resolver = await wanchain.WanchainNameService.getResolver("portalnetwork.wan")
} catch (error) {
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the resolver address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's resolver address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded content of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded content.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded multihash of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded multihash.
Include the module you need. Initialize it with endpoint and specify the network ID.
const QuarkChain = require("../../../lib/BNS").QuarkChain
const quarkChain = new QuarkChain({
restURL: 'http://jrpc.testnet.quarkchain.io:38391',
networkId: '3'
: The endpoint is main net.3
: The endpoint is test net.
QuarkChainNameService allows users to resolve a domain name and get the context, address or multihash related to it. The following exapmle shows how to get resolver of a domain.
(async () => {
try {
const resolver = await quarkChain.QuarkChainNameService.getResolver("portalnetwork.qkc")
} catch (error) {
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the resolver address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's resolver address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded content of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded content.
: a domain name you want to look up.key
: specify what kind of hash to query.- Return: the binded multihash of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded multihash.
Include the module you need. Initialize it with endpoint and specify the network ID.
const ICON = require("../../../lib/BNS").ICON
const Icon = new ICON({
restURL: 'https://bicon.net.solidwallet.io/api/v3',
networkId: '3'
: The endpoint is main net.3
: The endpoint is test net.
ICONNameService allows users to resolve a domain name and get the context, address or multihash related to it. The following exapmle shows how to get resolver of a domain.
(async () => {
try {
const resolver = await Icon.ICONNameService.getResolver("portalnetwork.icon")
} catch (error) {
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the resolver address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's resolver address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded address.
: a domain name you want to look up.key
: specify what kind of hash to query.- Return: the binded multihash of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded multihash.
Include the module you need. Initialize it with endpoint and specify the network ID.
const Tomochain = require("../../../lib/BNS").Tomochain
const tomochain = new Tomochain({
restURL: 'https://testnet.tomochain.com',
networkId: '3'
: The endpoint is main net.3
: The endpoint is test net.
TomochainNameService allows users to resolve a domain name and get the context, address or multihash related to it. The following exapmle shows how to get resolver of a domain.
(async () => {
try {
const resolver = await tomochain.TomochainNameService.getResolver("portalnetwork.tomo")
} catch (error) {
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the resolver address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's resolver address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded content of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded content.
: a domain name you want to look up.key
: specify what kind of hash to query.- Return: the binded multihash of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded multihash.
Include the module you need. Initialize it with endpoint and specify the network ID.
const NEO = require("../../../lib/BNS").NEO
const neo = new NEO({
restURL: 'https://test1.cityofzion.io:443',
networkId: 'testnet'
NEONameService allows users to resolve a domain name and get the context, address or multihash related to it. The following exapmle shows how to get the binded address of a domain.
(async () => {
try {
const addr = await neo.NEONameService.getAddress("jo");
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Error in getInfo: `, err)
throw err
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded address of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded address.
: a domain name you want to look up.- Return: the binded IPFS hash of the domain.
The function allows users to look up domain's binded IPFS hash.