Nothing style minimal music player app for Android based on design by Alkid Shuli.
Currently pretty barebones, all it does is plays your music in your /Music directory and looks cool.
Made with fuseopen in UX markup and FuseJS with UNO native Java elements for Android.
- Album Art
- Extracting metadata from the audio files if it has it (artist name, song name)
- Play, Pause, Seek
- Background playback
- Audio vaweform visualization (currently just randomized bars)
- Shuffle
- Repeat
- Next/Prev
- Playlists
- Albums
- Android media notification (play, pause etc from the lock screen)
- PR's are welcome
By default the app finds all your music in your Android /Music folder (\storage\emulated\0\Music) If the folder containing the audio file has an image (.jpg, .jpeg, .png), it uses it for the album art.
Reads it from the audio metadata. You can set it in most modern operating systems.
Some basic info on how to build
Get set up with fuseopen. I recommend fuse X studio because it's by far the easiest way to grab everything in one installer.
Open the project (where the .unoproject is located) in fuse X.
You should see the live preview, you need to place your music in C:\storage\emulated\0\Music to see the music in the live preview
To build and try it on Android, connect your phone with USB debugging and click Export For Android
Pretty much only tested on Nothing Phone (2), layout elements could be off on other screens.
It uses FuseCloud's Streaming Player with fixes for modern Android systems, it sould work on iOS but you might need to update/rewrite the native code to work on modern iOS versions.