This is a small collection of utility programs I have written in Go related to accessing Data General AOS/VS systems and files.
DasherG terminal emulator has moved to its own repo DasherG
DasherT is a very minimal Dasher terminal emulator for use at the command line. It provides just enough functionality to act as a console for an MV-class system.
It is only intended for emergency use where it is impossible to use either DasherG or DasherQ, maybe because you cannot build GUI applications or run their binaries.
LoadG loads (restores) AOS/VS DUMP_II, and maybe DUMP_III, files on any desktop system supported by Go. It can be used to rescue data from legacy AOS/VS systems if the dumps are accessible on a modern system. The current version handles at least versions 15 and 16 of the DUMP format.
aosvs_st_parser takes an AOS/VS symbol table file (.ST) as its sole argument and emits a text stream of locations and symbol names found in the file. It might be useful for understanding, documenting or reverse engineering AOS/VS programs where the source code has been lost or is unavailable.