An issue tracker is usually a software system that keeps track of the issues/bugs existing in any product that is being developed, its severity and also information about the person it is assigned to and the assignee of the issue. The problem is, to calculate the effort distribution of an individual in an issue/bug tracking system, one (client) has to do it manually wherein, the likeliness of mistakes in calculation increases. It usually consumes a huge amount of the client’s time to calculate this data. Also, it is usually difficult for the client to track the overall status of a bug once it is raised. The issue/bug tracking software that is already being used for educational projects is usually for creating an issue/bug and assign it to an individual member of the project group for resolution, but the problem is the summary report of all the issues being raised and resolved by each individual is usually not provided. Also, there is no specific software currently present for generating a report, which is a big concern for the client, when he wants to view overall team and individual efforts in resolving issues.