Matter certification is a necessary step to ensure interoperability with existing Matter products. Each individual Matter product must go through a process of certification in order to wear the Matter certified interoperability logo.
Attention Matter product certification is not required if you are designing a proprietary network setup using the Matter protocol. However, you will not be awarded any IP rights or protections by not becoming a CSA member and take a product through certification.
TI's Matter solution is a Matter certified hardware solution. Matter certification was done for the lighting application specifically.
Customers using TI provided certified library for their Matter projects as described in the document
can leverage certification by similarity for Thread certification. Customers will need to use the TI certification ID for their product as listed in the table below.
Texas Instruments Thread Certification ID's
Platform | Configuration | CID |
CC1354 or CC2674 | FTD | 13A229 |
CC1354 or CC2674 | MTD | 13A230 |
To certify your product using the above referenced Thread libs and this Matter release from TI, consider the following points below
- Cluster Revision and Feature Map attributes for the clusters can be updated per release. Developers are recommended to look at the CSA Tag for that release (for v1.2 it's v1.2.0.1) and configure the values for the Matter version they are certifying for.
- For example for v1.2: Cluster revision value for Network Commissioning cluster needs to be 1. This can be done by setting the value in the ZAP GUI and then generating the .matter file. Or by setting the values for some clusters where ZAP tool updates do not take effect in /src/app/<relevant-cluster.c/h> file.
- TC-DGGEN-1.1: (Known Issue):
- ZAP Tool is generating the generatedcommand list with valid entries, even after configuring the ZAP GUI to support no generated commands.
- To fix this issue, after running the build, go to file:
- When using a different application adjust the path accordingly
- set the
.generatedCommandList = nullptr
- And then run the ninja -C out/debug to build the project.
- For test case: TC-CNET-4.10:
- There is a known issue : TC-CNET- 4.9 step7,10,12 · Issue #33100 · project-chip/connectedhomeip ( which impacts the TC-CNET-4.10 test case.
- The fix for this issue is to comment out two lines of code in the file
In function:
void Instance::HandleRemoveNetwork(HandlerContext & ctx, const Commands::RemoveNetwork::DecodableType & req)
if (response.networkingStatus == Status::kSuccess)
// If no networks are left, clear-out errors;
if (CountAndRelease(mpBaseDriver->GetNetworks()) == 0)
// SetLastNetworkId(ByteSpan{}); <-- COMMENT OUT THIS LINE
// SetLastNetworkingStatusValue(NullNullable); <-- COMMENT OUT THIS LINE