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File metadata and controls

495 lines (366 loc) · 12.3 KB

API Documentation


Server URL

This guide assumes your server is installed at, although you can change this address to match your actual installed location.

This address should be available to any devices that will be communicating with it. For example, if you wish to scrobble using 4G, the external API should be publicly accessible.

The internal API should ALWAYS remain hidden behind a firewall, as it allows direct manipulation of the database without authentication.

Devices and API Keys

You may want to keep track of individual devices which submit data to the API. To submit any data to the API, you will need at least one device, which will have been set up after you start the server for the first time. If you wish to add more, go to the "devices" table within the database, and add a new device there. Your device ID must be a randomly generated UUID, and you should keep your API key secure.

For future reference in this document, <API-KEY> refers to an API key generated for a device in this database.

A note about inconsistencies

Unfortunately, due to connecting to various services, several of these endpoints are not consistent with the others (eg. sending apiKey as a body parameter, or in the URL, or as an HTTP header). While I have also tried to make the response payload consistent across all the endpoints, some are still different, so if you choose to connect to these endpoints manually, please check that you are sending the correct authorisation parameters and checking for the correct responses.

Scrobbles / ListenBrainz

The main scrobbling endpoint matches the official ListenBrainz one - you should only need to change the endpoint from to

Scrobble Song(s) - POST /api/listenbrainz/1/submit-listens


  • Authorization: token <API-KEY> (eg. token e2cbe426-d193-...)
  • Content-Type: application/json


  • listen_type: "single", "import", or "playing_now".
    if you send "playing_now", it will set the currently played track on the website, but will not save the scrobble to the database. This usually happens at the start of the song, and a "single" payload will be sent near the end.
  • payload, an array of objects, containing the following properties:
    • listened_at: unix timestamp in seconds
    • track_metadata, an object containing the following properties:
      • artist_name
      • track_name
      • release_name
      • additional_info, an optional object containing the following properties:
        • date: The date this song/album was released, in ISO8601 format
        • tags: An array of strings, containing the music genres of the track
        • tracknumber: An integer
        • duration_ms: An integer, the length of the song in milliseconds

Typically, more information about this track may be included by scrobblers, but the information provided above is all Everything uses to store scrobbles.

Payload Example

  "listen_type": "single",
  "payload": [
      "listened_at": 1717347046,
      "track_metadata": {
        "artist_name": "TomboFry",
        "release_name": "Floating Amongst the Stars",
        "track_name": "Taken For a Ride",
        "additional_info": {
          "date": "2024-04-26",
          "tags": ["Progressive Rock", "Indie Rock"],
          "tracknumber": 2,
          "duration_ms": 451736


200, successful response:

  "status": "ok"

500, failure:

  "status": "error",
  "code": 500,
  "error": "Information about the error"

Validate Token - GET /api/listenbrainz/1/validate-token?token=<API-KEY>

No headers required, no payload required.


200, valid token

  "code": 200,
  "message": "Token valid.",
  "valid": true,
  "user": "A description about this device"

200, invalid token

  "code": 200,
  "message": "Token invalid.",
  "valid": false

YouTube Liked Videos

You can set up automation services - such as IFTTT or Zapier - to POST to this endpoint when periodically checking your Liked Videos playlist on YouTube. Alternatively, you can also set up an iOS Shortcut to POST to this endpoint when receiving YouTube URLs from the Share sheet for manual submissions.

New Liked Video - POST /api/youtube/like


  • Content-Type: application/json


  • url: The YouTube URL, can be in the format or
  • title: Optional, to override the real title of the video
  • created_at: Optional, to override the liked date, in ISO8601 format
  • apiKey: Value of <API-KEY>

Payload Example

  "url": "",
  "title": "Floating Amongst The Stars (Official Lyric Video)",
  "created_at": "2024-01-01T09:00:00.000Z",
  "apiKey": "0ccdd0ad-dd26-...",


200, successful:

  "status": "ok"

400, failure:

  "status": "Information about the error"


You can set up automation services - such as IFTTT or Zapier - to POST to this endpoint when periodically checking other services, such as Pocket. Alternatively, you can also set up an iOS Shortcut to POST to this endpoint when receiving URLs from the Share sheet for manual submissions.

New Bookmark - POST /api/bookmarks


  • Content-Type: application/json


  • apiKey: Value of <API-KEY>
  • url: The page URL being bookmarked
  • title: The title of the page
  • created_at: Optional, set a custom date, in ISO8601 date/time format

Payload Example

  "url": "",
  "title": "TomboFry - 8-Bit / Chiptune Music",
  "apiKey": "a732cb0b-c24f-...",
  "created_at": "2024-01-01T09:45:00.000Z"


200, successful:

  "status": "ok"

400, failure:

  "status": "Information about the error."

Devices (Location, Battery)

Battery Status - POST /api/device/battery


  • Authorization: <API-KEY> (do not include "Bearer" or "token")
  • Content-Type: application/json


  • battery_level: A number between 0.0 and 1.0 (eg. 0.56 is 56%)
  • battery_state: One of: true, false, or a free-form string containing the state (eg. "charging", "unplugged", etc)

Payload Example

  "battery_level": 0.56,
  "battery_state": "charging"


200, successful:

  "status": "ok"

400, failure:

  "status": "err",
  "message": "Information about the error"

Location Tracking - POST /api/device/overland?apiKey=<API-KEY>

An endpoint which follows the Overland API specification, which can be used with the Overland app for Android or iOS to log your location.

You can set the app up by changing the Server URL in the Settings tab as follows:<API-KEY>

Make sure you put your API key in the URL query, but otherwise the payload and response information can be found in the link above.

Health (Steps, Weight, Food, Timetracking)

NOTE: All endpoints in this category require the following headers, and return the same responses:


  • Authorization: <API-KEY> (do not include "Bearer" or "token")
  • Content-Type: application/json


200, successful:

  "status": "ok"

400, failure:

  "status": "Information about the error."

Steps - POST /api/health/steps

💡 If you're tracking steps with Apple Health, you could set up an automation using Shortcuts to fetch the number of steps taken today, and POST it to this endpoint at 23:59 every day.


  • created_at: the date you're logging steps for, in YYYY-MM-DD format. You can provide a full ISO8601 date but it will be truncated to the whole day in the database, so you only need to log this once per day. If not provided, the API will default to the current date.
  • steps: number of steps taken on this day

Payload Example

  "created_at": "2024-01-01",
  "steps": 3056

Weight - POST /api/health/weight

💡 You could set up an iOS Shortcut to log your weight to both Apple Health and POST to this endpoint at the same time.


  • created_at: the date you're logging weight for, in YYYY-MM-DD format. You can provide a full ISO8601 date but it will be truncated to the whole day in the database, so you only need to log this once per day. If not provided, the API will default to the current date.
  • weight_kgs: weight in kilograms, as a number (technically there's nothing stopping you from logging pounds, stone, or some other unit).

Payload Example

  "created_at": "2024-01-01",
  "weight_kgs": 70.0

Food - POST /api/health/food


  • created_at: full date/time in ISO8601 format. If not provided, the API will default to the current date/time.
  • name: what you're currently eating/drinking
  • type: used to categorise food types. You may wish to track takeouts, caffeinated drinks, and normal meals separately from one another. Some examples include: "food", "drink", "soft drink", "coffee", "tea", "takeout", "snack", etc. If not provided, the API will default to "food".

Payload Example

  "created_at": "2024-01-01T09:00:00.000Z",
  "name": "Chicken and mushroom curry",
  "type": "takeout"

Time Tracking - POST /api/health/time

💡 You could set up an iOS Shortcut to display a list of categories, then POST to this endpoint to start/end a session.


  • created_at: date/time, in ISO8601
  • ended_at: date/time, in ISO8601
  • category: what you're time tracking

You do not have to provide created_at or ended_at - if you send a payload without dates, it will start timetracking at the current date/time. If you send another payload afterwards, the previous session will end and a new one will begin at the current date/time. You can send created_at without ended_at if you wish to start a timetracking session with a custom date/time.

Also, if you send the category as "stop" while a session is currently running, it will end the session.

Payload Examples

Start a sleep session (which will end an existing session, if it is running):

  "category": "sleep"

Start a cooking/eating session, which will start the session at the specifed time, and end the previous session at that time as well.

  "category": "cooking / eating",
  "created_at": "2024-01-01T09:00:00.000Z"

Purchases (Monzo webhook)

To keep track of your income/outgoings, you'll need to set up a webhook using your Monzo account, and point it to the following address:<API-KEY>.

Alternatively, if you don't have a Monzo account, you can still post to this endpoint using the following payload.

Add Transaction - POST /api/purchases


  • Content-Type: application/json


  • account_id: string, which MUST match the TOMBOIS_MONZO_ACCOUNT_ID value provided in .env, otherwise an error will be thrown
  • amount: number, an outgoing payment is negative, and 100 times the amount of the transaction (eg. 5.49 is -549). Income is positive (eg. 15.32 is 1532)
  • currency: The 3-letter code of the currency used by the transaction (eg. £ is GBP, and $ could be USD, AUD, NZD, etc.)
  • created: the date/time of the transaction in ISO8601 format.
  • category: arbitrary value used to categorise the transaction.
  • description: arbitrary value - will only be used if merchant name is not provided
  • merchant: an object containing the following properties:
    • name: The name of the store/website/service the transaction was made with.

Payload Example

  "account_id": "acc_df50c4ee-1333-...",
  "amount": -500,
  "currency": "GBP",
  "created": "2024-01-01T09:00:00.000Z",
  "category": "groceries",
  "merchant": {
    "name": "Tesco"


200, successful:

  "status": "ok"

400, failure:

  "status": "Information about the error."