<img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/kalenkov/bise.png” />
Binary search for presorted text files. Gem adds #bin_find(term) method to File. It finds the first occurance of a string with value >= provided term.
Finds the first string in the oredered file that satisfies term <= str.
Takes optional comparison block accepting term and str.
Default - { |term, str| term <=> str }
gem install rhymes
require 'bise' # find word in dictionary File.open('/usr/share/dict/words'){|f| f.bin_find('bo')} # find ip-to-country record `wget "http://software77.net/geo-ip/?DL=1" -O IpToCountry.csv.gz && gunzip IpToCountry.csv.gz` require 'ipaddr' File.open('../../files/IpToCountry.csv'){|f| f.bin_find(IPAddr.new('').to_i){|num,str| l,r = str.gsub('"','').split(',').first(2).map(&:to_i); r ||= 0; (l..r) === num ? 0 : num < l ? -1 : 1}}