- Make sure you can launch vscode extensions: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/extension-guides/color-theme#create-a-new-color-theme
- Make sure you can build and run Rust programs: https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install
- 1: In the 'builder' folder, run 'cargo run' (or just run 'cargo -C ./builder -Z unstable-options run' from the main folder)
- 2: Make changes to 'src color-theme.json', and the actual theme files will automatically be updated
- 3: When done, enter 'Stop' (or 's') to stop the builder
- 1: In the 'builder' folder, run 'cargo run'
- 2: Enter 'Export', and a folder named 'output' should appear with the finished extension (this command does not update the theme files, because the builder already builds the themes every time it is started)
- Make sure you can launch vscode extensions: https://code.visualstudio.com/api/extension-guides/color-theme#create-a-new-color-theme
- Install 'hjson' and 'fs-extras' through npm
- Every time you use the builders, make sure you're in the /builder folder
- 1: Make changes to 'src color-theme.json'
- 2: Run 'node build_themes.js' to create and/or update the actual theme files
- 3: Repeat
- Run 'node build_extension.js', and a folder named 'output' should appear with the finished extension (this script also builds the themes)