The build system is intended to run under Debian based distributions. It is tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04. Root access is required for compiling the SDK.
- Download the third party source package to smartnic_soc_sdk.
- Rename the third party source package as preseed.tgz.
- Generate a default configuration using following command
- make defconfig
- Install the missing build dependencies using following command
- make deps
- Copy the Debian packages which needs to be included in RootFS to imports/debian folder
- cp *.deb imports/debian/
- Packages which needs to be pre-installed shall be mentioned in file imports/debian/install.list.
- Use preseed file to avoid downloading third party source code again.
- make import-downloads
- Start compilation, This will take ~2 hrs for builds from a fresh checkout.
- make
- make boot
- Once successfully compiled, Images shall be available in build/lx2162a/boot/ directory.
- Refer to SN1000 installation and user guide to install SoC images.