The following instructions can help you set up your own SageMaker Notebook instance from the tutorial.
For Create notebook
script, enter the following
sudo -u ec2-user -i <<'EOF'
# Create a new environment
source /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/bin/activate $env_name_short
# Install mxnet and d2l
pip uninstall -y mxnet-cu100mkl
pip install d2l==0.10.1
pip install mxnet-cu100==1.5.0
pip install gluonnlp==0.7.1
pip install nltk
pip install sacremoses
# Get notebooks from git
cd ~/SageMaker
rm -rf *
git clone
# Set notebooks' default kernel to $env_name
cd KDD19-tutorial
for f in 0*/*ipynb; do
sed -i s/\"language_info\":\ {/\"kernelspec\":\ {\"display_name\":\ \"$env_name\",\"language\":\ \"python\",\ \"name\":\ \"$env_name\"\},\"language_info\":\ {/g $f
source /home/ec2-user/anaconda3/bin/deactivate
When you create your own notebook instance, click the Additional configuration
and specify d2lnlp
in Lifetime configuration - optional
section. Launch the notebook instance as usual.