GLPI API's client written in Python.
The requests are made the directly and has support to pagination. This client is an alternative if you do not want use the GLPI API's search engine, otherwise check the glpi-sdk-python.
Work in progress.
git clone
cd glpi-client-python
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp /project_folder
First step is you create an instance and init a session using the url, app token and the user token.
from glpi_client import GLPIClient
from os import environ
glpi_client = GLPIClient(url=environ['URL'], app_token=environ['APP_TOKEN'], user_token=environ['USER_TOKEN'])
The verification is enabled by default, you can either disable by its to "False" or using a custom certificate by specifying the path.
glpi_client = GLPIClient(..., verify=True) # default
glpi_client = GLPIClient(..., verify=False) # disabled
glpi_client = GLPIClient(..., verify="/path-to-certificate") # custom
Once the session is initiated you'll be to the following requests
- name: Type of the item (required)
- id: ID of the item (required)
- params: API parameters, see.
computer = glpi_client.get_asset('Computer', 4753, { 'with_devices': '' })
- name: Type of the item (required)
- text_params: searched fields
- params: API parameters, see.
- max_range: Number of items retrieved in each request (default: 100).
computers = glpi_client.get_assets('Computer', { 'id': 4754 }, { 'with_devices': '' }, 10)
- name: Type of the item (required)
- assets: items (required), see.
ticket = glpi_client.add_assets('Ticket', { 'name': 'Sample 01', 'content': 'Testing' })
tickets = glpi_client.add_assets('Ticket', [
{ 'name': 'Sample 02', 'content': 'Testing' },
{ 'name': 'Sample 03', 'content': 'Testing' }
- name: Type of the item (required)
- assets: items, see.
glpi_client.update_assets('Ticket', [{ 'id': result3[0]['id'], 'content': 'Testing 3 - modified' }])
Work in progress
from glpi_client import GLPIClient
from os import environ
from json import dumps
glpi_client = GLPIClient(environ['URL'], environ['APP_TOKEN'], environ['USER_TOKEN'])
result0 = glpi_client.get_asset('Computer', 4753, { 'with_devices': '' })
result1 = glpi_client.get_assets('Computer', { 'id': 4754 }, { 'with_devices': '' })
result2 = glpi_client.add_assets('Ticket', [
{ 'name': 'Sample 01', 'content': 'Testing' },
{ 'name': 'Sample 01', 'content': 'Testing 2' }
result3 = glpi_client.add_assets('Ticket', { 'name': 'Sample 01', 'content': 'Testing 3' })
result4 = glpi_client.update_assets('Ticket', [
{ 'id': result2[0]['id'], 'content': 'Testing 1 - modified' },
{ 'id': result2[1]['id'], 'content': 'Testing 2 - modified' }
result5 = glpi_client.update_assets('Ticket', { 'id': result3[0]['id'], 'content': 'Testing 3 - modified' })
result6 = glpi_client.add_assets('Item_Ticket', { 'itemtype': 'Computer', 'items_id': result0['id'], 'tickets_id': result2[0]['id'] })
result7 = glpi_client.add_assets('Item_Ticket', { 'itemtype': 'Computer', 'items_id': result1[0]['id'], 'tickets_id': result2[1]['id'] })