Adds XML Validation and Databinding to the Play Framework
This Project is inspired by play-circe. It allows you to validate incoming XML and bind against generated case classes
To use, extend your Controller with the XmlValidatingBinder
trait and use the provided Action to modify the Request
class SampleController @Inject() extends Controller with XmlValidatingBinder {
def receiveXML(): Action[YourXmlClass] = Action.async(XmlValidatingBinder.bindXml[YourXmlClass]()) { request =>
Future {
val content : YourXmlClass = request.body
TODO: This project has not been released to Maven yet. For now, you have to build and provide it yourself
sbt clean compile test publishLocal
Include Dependency
libraryDependencies += "de.codecentric" %% "play-xml-validate" % "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT",
Generate case classes with scalaxb
- include the scalaxb-sbt plugin in your
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("public") addSbtPlugin("org.scalaxb" % "sbt-scalaxb" % "1.5.0")
- configure the scalaxb plugin in your
lazy val root = (project in file(".")). enablePlugins(PlayScala, ScalaxbPlugin). settings( scalaxbPackageName in(Compile, scalaxb) := "", scalaxbXsdSource in(Compile, scalaxb) := baseDirectory.value / "conf" / "xsd" )
- include the scalaxb-sbt plugin in your
Include the XmlValidatingBinder in your controller by including the Trait and using the object method
@Singleton class SampleController @Inject() extends Controller with XmlValidatingBinder { def receiveXML(): Action[YourXmlClass] = Action.async(XmlValidatingBinder.bindXml[YourXmlClass]()) { request => Future { val content : YourXmlClass = request.body ... } } }
There is a comprehensive sample project in sample
This project supports Play 2.5.
We're relying on scalaxb for nearly everything