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Bootstrap procedure

Follow this procedure to setup a bootstrap instance of concourse and deploy minimal components to bring up a permanant instance of concourse deployed by a bosh director.

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Get the rest of the necessary repositories: ./cg-provision/scripts/bootstrap/
  3. cd cg-provision
  4. Make a copy of and populate with AWS credentials, etc. (cp
    1. An example TERRAFORM_PROVISION_CREDENTIALS_FILE can be found in ci/credentials.example.yml. Make a copy and place in your ${WORKSPACE_DIR} from
    2. toolingbosh and concourse currently need pre-populated, encrypted secrets files: tooling-bosh-main.yml,tooling-bosh-external.yml,concourse-tooling-prod.yml.
      1. Populate these and encrypt with ../cg-pipeline-tasks/, upload to ${VARZ_BUCKET} with the aws cli, and set the respective passphrases in
      2. TODO: generate all secrets for bosh & concourse / pull values from tf.
    3. source
    4. If the above step fails, you may have to comment out the TF_STATE_BUCKET line.
  5. Create bootstrap terraform stack: ./scripts/bootstrap/
    1. Note the public_ip output. This is the address of your bootstrap concourse instance.
  6. Make sure you are on the GSA network, either via VPN, or being in a GSA office.
  7. Deploy a bootstrap concourse instance: ./scripts/bootstrap/
    1. If, for some reason, this fails, and you want to start this step over, you can use the ./scripts/bootstrap/ script to do this, as there is a volume that persists otherwise.
    2. Login to the web ui at https://public-ip:4443, bootstrap/password in ${WORKSPACE_DIR}/bootstrap-concourse-creds.yml.
    3. If you commented out TF_STATE_BUCKET above:
      1. Create the ${WORKSPACE_DIR}/cg-provision.yml file, if you haven't already.
      2. uncomment it and source again.
  8. Deploy main terraform: ./scripts/bootstrap/
    1. Inspect the terraform plan, then run terraform-provision/bootstrap-tooling from the web ui.
    2. If you don't have a star-fr-cloud-gov certificate in the account, upload it to aws.
    3. The init-bosh-db task will fail because we haven't setup peering yet.
  9. Update DNS records for the tooling-bosh-uaa and tooling-Concourse ELBs created by terraform.
    1. Look at the DNS names of these ELBs in the AWS console and plug those into For the new dev env, you can edit the entries that have dev2 in the name. Be sure to leave the dualstack. on the front of the A record.
    2. Eventually you'll need to update records for all newly created ELBs.
    3. TODO: automate DNS updates
  10. Setup peering between bootstrap and main tooling: ./scripts/bootstrap/
    1. If terraform fails with InvalidGroup.NotFound: You have specified two resources that belong to different networks, re-run the bootstrap job. Peering isn't consistently complete before security groups across VPCs are added.
    2. Run terraform-provision/bootstrap-tooling again to run init-bosh-db.
    3. Run the development, or staging and produ to address your specific situation.ction plan and bootstrap jobs.
      1. init-bosh-db and init-cf-db will fail. This is fine, you'll run again in main concourse.
  11. Generate secrets for bosh and concourse: ./scripts/bootstrap/
  12. Deploy master bosh: ./scripts/bootstrap/
    1. Upload custom bosh releases to ${BOSH_RELEASES_BUCKET} with aws cli. Get the latest release of each type from cloud-gov-bosh-releases if you are building out a dev environment.
      1. TODO: bootstrap custom bosh releases
      2. This might help:
        mkdir -p /tmp/releases
        awk '/-[0-9]*.tgz$/ {print $4}' /tmp/releases.out | \
            sed 's/\(.*\)-[0-9.]*.tgz/\1/' | \
            sort -u | \
            while read line ; do
                sort -n /tmp/releases.out | \
                awk '{print $4}' | egrep "^${line}.*tgz" | \
                tail -1
            done | \
            while read release ; do
                echo aws s3 cp s3://cloud-gov-bosh-releases/"${release}" /tmp/releases/
        <set up your AWS creds for the new account>
        aws s3 sync /tmp/releases s3://cloud-gov-bosh-releases-dev --sse AES256
    2. Run deploy-bosh/common-releases-master and deploy-bosh/deploy-tooling-bosh
    3. If you get a "x509: certificate signed by unknown authority" error, you will need to add the root CA cert generated to the tmp/concourse-environment.yml file in the common_ca_cert_store section. You can get the root cert by looking at echo "" |openssl s_client -connect opslogin.<domain>:443 -showcerts. After you add it, rerun the 06 deploy script.
  13. Deploy permanent concourse: ./scripts/bootstrap/
    1. Verify main concourse comes up.
    2. The hostname can be found in terraform/stacks/dns/ Search for: cloud_gov_ci_dev2_cloud_gov_a in there for the dev env, for example.
    3. The username/pw can be found by getting the CONCOURSE_SECRETS_PASSPHRASE from and using it like so:
      INPUT_FILE=/tmp/concourse-tooling-prod.yml OUTPUT_FILE=/tmp/concourse-tooling-prod-decrypted.yml PASSPHRASE=XXX ../cg-pipeline-tasks/
      grep basic_auth /tmp/concourse-tooling-prod-decrypted.yml
      rm /tmp/concourse-tooling-prod-decrypted.yml /tmp/concourse-tooling-prod.yml
  14. Teardown bootstrap and terraform stack: ./scripts/bootstrap/
  15. From the permanent concourse: Fly cg-provision/ci/pipeline.yml with the credentials you used to log into the concourse UI above.
    1. fly --target TARGET login --concourse-url=https://HOSTNAME/ --ca-cert tmp/realconcourse-cacrt.pem --username USERNAME --password XXX
    2. fly -t TARGET set-pipeline -p terraform-provision -c ci/pipeline<maybe -development>.yml -l ci/concourse-defaults.yml -l tmp/cg-provision.yml
    3. Select and unpause the terraform-provision pipeline in the UI.
    4. Run the plan-bootstrap-tooling job and verify there are no changes.
    5. Run the development, or staging and production plan and bootstrap jobs and verify they complete successfully.
  16. Iteratively stand up the rest of the infrastructure in the same way, starting with cg-deploy-bosh and continuing with additional Concourse pipelines as necessary in the appropriate cg- GitHub repositories:
    1. Update secrets for the environment and encrypt/upload to secrets bucket.
    2. Update and upload the concourse pipeline credentials.
    3. Fly the pipeline.
    4. Verify the pipeline runs successfully.

Teardown procedure

  1. Delete all deployments managed by bosh: (development or staging and production, tooling, master)
    1. Run bosh -d ${deployment_name} delete-deployment for all deployments in bosh deployments
  2. Bring up a bootstrap concourse instance as described above:
    1. Run,,
    2. If your bootstrap concourse already has peering to tooling VPC, run again to disable.
  3. From the web UI in your bootstrap concourse, run terraform-provision/destroy-* for development, or staging and production.
  4. Run destroy-tooling in the terraform-provision pipeline.
  5. Teardown bootstrap concourse and terraform stack: ./scripts/bootstrap/
  6. Delete the ${TF_STATE_BUCKET}, ${VARZ_BUCKET}, ${SEMVER_BUCKET}, and ${BOSH_RELEASES_BLOBSTORE_BUCKET} through the AWS console.