When you are creating a new feature it is highly recommended adding some tests for it. There are two types of tests in Cloudinary SDK: E2E and acceptance.
You can find E2E tests in *_test.go
The main purpose of these tests is to check the main scenarios in the SDK integration with Cloudinary server.
These tests performing some HTTP queries to the Cloudinary server and requires CLOUDINARY_URL
to be given to run.
Check api/admin/api_test.go for an example of E2E test. These tests are using a basic Go test approach https://golang.org/pkg/testing/.
Example of E2E test:
func TestAPI_Timeout(t *testing.T) {
var originalTimeout = adminAPI.Config.API.Timeout
adminAPI.Config.API.Timeout = 0 // should timeout immediately
_, err := adminAPI.Ping(ctx)
if err == nil || !strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "context deadline exceeded") {
t.Error("Expected context timeout did not happen")
adminAPI.Config.API.Timeout = originalTimeout
These tests are placed in *_acceptance_test.go
The main purpose of these tests is to check whether SDK generates proper HTTP requests or not with mocked HTTP-server.
Check api/admin/asset_acceptance_test.go for an example of acceptance test. These tests are using a basic Go test approach with httptest as a mocking HTTP server.
A basic function to run in test has this reference:
func testApiByTestCases(cases []ApiAcceptanceTestCase, t *testing.T)
ApiAcceptanceTestCase is a structure that defines a test case for the test:
// Acceptance test case definition. See `TEST.md` for an additional information.
type ApiAcceptanceTestCase struct {
Name string // Name of the test case
RequestTest ApiRequestTest // Function which will be called as a API request. Put SDK calls here.
ResponseTest ApiResponseTest // Function which will be called to test an API response.
ExpectedRequest expectedRequestParams // Expected HTTP request to be sent to the server
JsonResponse string // Mock of the JSON response from server. This is used to check JSON parsing.
ExpectedStatus string // Expected HTTP status of the request. This status will be returned from the HTTP mock.
ExpectedCallCount int // Expected call count to the server.
Example of test case:
Name: "Ping",
RequestTest: func(api *admin.API, ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
return api.Ping(ctx)
ResponseTest: func(response interface{}, t *testing.T) {
_, ok := response.(*admin.PingResult)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("Response should be type of PingResult, %s given", reflect.TypeOf(response))
ExpectedRequest: expectedRequestParams{Method: "GET", Uri: "/ping"},
JsonResponse: "{\"status\": \"OK\"}",
ExpectedCallCount: 1,
You can find more examples in api/admin/asset_acceptance_test.go.