You like JPA-Unit? Give it a star:). You miss certain feature or found a bug and want to report this? Don't hesitate, file it. You want to fix a bug or contribute? That's great! JPA-Unit is an open source project and any help is highly appreciated.
JPA-Unit follows the GitHub's fork and pull model. To get started, just fork the JPA-Unit repository to your GitHub account. Once you've done with your change, submit a pull request.
When contributing, please follow the following practices:
- Use feature branch for each feature bugfix you want to contribute.
- Write test cases (unit & integration tests) to ensure the functionality is working as expected and to avoid loss of functionality in future development cycles. Make sure the code coverage in not below 80%.
- Create one pull request per feature/bugfix.
- Make sure your pull request has a meaningful history (squash intermediary commits into logical chunks before submitting a pull request).
- Rebase against master often. If your pull request is stale it can't be merged.
Last, but not least, discuss new features/bugfixes you'd like to contribute at the JPA-Unit's issue tracker before getting started.
Eclipse is used to automatically reformat all the code. The corresponding coding conventions are specified in etc/eclipse-formatter-settings.xml
JPA-Unit is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. By submitting a pull request you agree to license your work under that license and you affirm that your contribution doesn't violate any rights of other parties.