A Finite Element Approximation of a Cahn--Hilliard Tumour Model with FEniCS, by Dennis Trautwein (2020).
DOI of the original tumour model of Garcke, Lam, Sitka and Styles:
a) Installation of FEniCS: See e.g. the following link:
b) Running FEniCS: Run a FEniCS program with the command:
python3 [name].py
c) Visualization: VTK-/VTU-/PVD- output files can be visualized with the program PARAVIEW. See e.g. the following link for download and installation:
- The program 'ch_tumour_simple.py' is a simplified version of our programs. It is a modification of the demo 'demo_cahn-hilliard.py' from the FEniCS homepage:
The directory 'program_1D_convergence' contains the programs solving the Cahn--Hilliard tumour system and computing convergence rates in one dimension on the interval (0,1).
The directory 'program_2D' contains the programs solving the Cahn--Hilliard tumour system in two dimensions on the square (0,12.5)^2.
The directory 'program_3D' contains the programs solving the Cahn--Hilliard tumour system in three dimensions on the cube (0,3)^3.
i) In each directory you can run the program with the command:
python3 main_program.py
ii) The file 'settings.py' contains all settings: Parameters for the finite element discretization (mesh size, polynom degree, quadrature degree etc.) and other settings, e.g. for saving the output (formats like .vtu, .xml, .hdf4), handling initial values from a file, etc.
iii) The file 'class_Tumour.py' contains all model parameters and initializes the weak formulation of the system of partial differential equations.
iv) The file 'useful_functions.py' contains all functions needed for the program.
v) The file 'main_convergence_rate.py' (see the directory 'program_1D_convergence') can calculate the errors in some specific norms and the experimental orders of convergence (EOC), and save them into files. You can run the program with the command:
python3 main_convergence_rate.py
Note: Before running 'main_convergence_rate.py', you have to generate the data of solutions with different mesh sizes 'h' and you have to choose a reference solution. You can change the mesh size, polynom degree, quadrature degree in 'settings.py'.