awk 'NF'
tail -n +<N+1>
expr substr STR begin len
( begin : 1-based index )
# amp
# pos 1-based index:123456
echo $(expr substr "sample" 2 3)
results in "amp"
- using wildcard
if [[ "$str" == *"portion"* ]]; then echo "it contains"; fi
- using regex
if [[ "$str" =~ .*"portion".* ]]; then echo "it contains"; fi
- Use "$@" to grab pathfilenames passed as argument
- will work with "file with space" names
for i in "$@"; do
echo "file [$i]"
readarray -t myarr < <(cat filename.txt)
for line in "${myarr[@]}"; do echo "line = [$line]"; done
cat filename.txt | readarray -t myarr
would not work because readarray (builtin cmd) will be in a subshell and couldn't access given stdin- array size is "${#myarr[@]}"
- "${myarr[i]}" is the zero-based i-th item
follow example search folders from current dir limiting depth 1th level and executes a control body foreach result
readarray -t myarr < <(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec echo "{}" \;)
for line in "${myarr[@]}"; do
echo "do something with [$line]"
# args: $1=pathfilename
# returns: fileage in seconds
function fileagesecs()
echo "$(( $(date +%s) - $(date +%s -r "$1") ))"
# args: $1=pathfilename
# returns: fileage in months (w/decimals)
function fileagemonths()
echo "$(echo "$(fileagesecs $1) / (365 / 12 * 60 * 60 * 24)" | bc -l)"
echo "test filename age:"
echo "$(fileagesecs filename) secs"
echo "$(fileagemonths filename) months"
if [[ EXPR1 || EXPR2 ]]; then echo "or satisfied"; fi
variable MUST double quoted to avoid string space splitting$0
is the executing script filename$1
is the first argument
function test()
another_process "$@"
test "sample 1" "sample 2"
if (( $(echo "$a > 12.187" | bc -l) )); then
echo "[$a] is great than 12.187"
if (( ! $(echo "$a > 12.1876" | bc -l) )); then
echo "[$a] is not great than 12.1876"