This specification declares internal secret storage object structure.
This is used to store data and metadata related to objects.
will be renamed toBundle
in future version for vocabulary consistency.
// File is a concrete secret bundle file.
message File {
// Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize
// (scope and select) objects.
map<string,string> labels = 1;
// Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that
// may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata.
map<string,string> annotations = 2;
// Version of the file
uint32 version = 3;
// Secret package collection
repeated Package packages = 4;
// Bundle template object
Template template = 5;
// Associated values
google.protobuf.BytesValue values = 6;
// MerkleTreeRoot value of content
bytes merkle_tree_root = 7;
- The
are used for Bundle tagging purpose (query, filtering, etc.). - The
are produced by external secret storage reader, and consumed by secret bundle writers. - The
is an unsigned 32bit integer of the Bundle version (must be1
). - The
are a list ofPackage
object. - The
is the BundleTemplate used to generate theBundle
. - The
is the encoded values used for Bundle generation.
A Package
is addressed by a name
(aka secret path), and refer to secret
data collection chain.
// Package is a secret organizational unit.
message Package {
// Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize
// (scope and select) objects.
map<string,string> labels = 1;
// Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that
// may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata.
map<string,string> annotations = 2;
// Package name as a complete secret path (CSO compliance recommended)
string name = 3;
// Active secret version
SecretChain secrets = 4;
// SecretChain versions
map<fixed32, SecretChain> versions = 5;
- The
are used for Bundle tagging purpose (query, filtering, etc.). - The
are produced by external secret storage reader, and consumed by secret bundle writers. - The
is the package name generally used as a path. - The
is the last version of secret data. - The
is a map of SecretChain where key is the version, and value the data.
A Secret Chain
is an item of versioned data.
// SecretChain describe a secret version chain.
message SecretChain {
// Map of string keys and values that can be used to organize and categorize
// (scope and select) objects.
map<string,string> labels = 1;
// Annotations is an unstructured key value map stored with a resource that
// may be set by external tools to store and retrieve arbitrary metadata.
map<string,string> annotations = 2;
// Version identifier
fixed32 version = 3;
// Secret K/V collection
repeated KV data = 4;
// Link to previous version
google.protobuf.UInt32Value previous_version = 5;
// Link to next version
google.protobuf.UInt32Value next_version = 6;
// Locked buffer when encryption is enabled
google.protobuf.BytesValue locked = 7;
- The
are used for Bundle tagging purpose (query, filtering, etc.). - The
are produced by external secret storage reader, and consumed by secret bundle writers. - The
sets the version number of the current SecretChain. - The
is a list ofKV
used to store information addressed by the package name. - The
references the previous version index. - The
references the next version index. - The
attribute refers to KV 2nd encryption layer used for legacy writer.
The KV
defines a list element with a key
, a type
of value, and the
serialized value
// KV contains the key, the value and the type of the value.
message KV {
// Key
string key = 1;
// Golang type of initial value before packing
string type = 2;
// Value must be encoded using secret.Pack method
bytes value = 3;
The Bundle
struct can be observed by using the following command :
$ harp bundle dump --in secrets.container
... JSON version of the bundle ...
Given this command :
echo '{"secrets/path":{"foo":"bar"}}' | harp from jsonmap | harp bundle dump | jq
Generate a
using input JSON, and then display the JSON Bundle representation.
It will generate a minimal Bundle
object like the following :
// File
"packages": [
"name": "secrets/path",
"secrets": {
"data": [
"key": "foo",
"type": "string",
"value": "EwNiYXI="
"merkleTreeRoot": "GaV1ySQ2Do12L/DnFzDNtClPWQitAiSCFTtnJ2GzvAQnGn7mEVQS+scgiQWtQlk/K7Pvd1pNVPcN+d4rtqzF8A=="
Value is encoded using
serialization format.
Given this command :
harp from found-secrets --in cmd/harp/test/fixtures/found-secrets/valid/bundle.yaml | harp bundle dump | jq
Generate a
using afound-secrets
YAML bundle, and then display the JSON Bundle representation.
It will generate an output like the following :
// File
"annotations": {
// Annotations produced by the found-secrets reader
"": "2020-10-06T12:33:02Z",
"": "secrets",
"": "local/dev/test-region/testapp"
"version": 1,
"packages": [
// Package
"annotations": {
// Annotations produced by the found-secrets reader
"": "v6bG94y9geWy4dVncgCBAEBg8D0hpqBs4Q1E4kZybfo=",
"": "dist",
"": "ECH9By8ZGLF3qv86b20UVJRh6wswXxSUO2zMkuahlq0=",
"": "secrets/dist/env.yaml"
// Secret path
"name": "secrets/dist/env.yaml",
"secrets": {
// SecretChain
"data": [
// KV
"key": "DIST_ENV",
"type": "string",
"value": "DBtzaW1wbGVfZW52X3ZhbHVlX2F3ZXNvbWUhISE="
"merkleTreeRoot": "pN8gRh1gqZ1w8ApgzqQFP1rjsmwaj14C3SWMoTOehw5oSjEJ5T5hgv02xvK43YT2d5lChMkZVeKcmCdFIMdKgQ==",
Secret data is encoded internally to prevent display problems.
You can dump a bundle content as a JSON map by using the following command :
$ harp bundle dump --content-only --in secrets.container
"secrets/dist/env.yaml": {
"DIST_ENV": "dist_env_value_awesome!!!"
"secrets/simple/common_file.yaml": {
"common_file.conf": "Y29tbW9uIGZpbGUgZm9yIGNvbmZpZ3VyYXRpb24K"
"secrets/simple/dev/dev.yaml": {
"": "IyEvYmluL2Jhc2gKCnNldCAteGUKCmVjaG8gInRlc3QgbmVzdGVkIGRpcmVjdG9yeSIK"
"secrets/simple/env.yaml": {
"SIMPLE_ENV": "simple_env_value_awesome!!!"
"secrets/simple/file.yaml": {
"logstashish.conf": "aW5wdXQgewogICAgYmVhdHMgewogICAgICAgIGlzaCA9PiB0cnVlCiAgICB9Cn0K"
All metadata are lost by doing this operation, but it's a lot easier to inspect data.