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Puppet noop mode

Puppet noop mode allows us to review the changes that Puppet would do on the system without actually applying them.

This is particularly useful when managing critical servers, as it allows to push to production Puppet code and data in a more controlled, safe and manageable way.

There are various ways we can enforce noop mode when using this control-repo: let's review them.

Setting noop from the client

In any Puppet installation it's possible to run Puppet in noop mode by specifying the --noop option on the command line:

puppet agent -t --noop

This applies only for that specific Puppet run, so if there's a Puppet agent service running in the background, that service will run Puppet in normal mode.

The noop setting can be configured and made persistent also in puppet.conf:

noop = true

In this control-repo this can be configured on Puppet Enterprise clients as follows:

# We want to manage `noop mode` on clients:
psick::puppet::pe_agent::manage_noop: true

# We want to set noop to true
psick::puppet::pe_agent::noop_mode: true

# We enforce no-noop mode on the pe_agent class to be
# able to revert our noop settings. Details in no-noop section.
psick::puppet::pe_agent::no_noop: true

Note that this is the common and official approach to manage noop mode and is controlled and managed from the client, not on the server.

Setting noop server-side

In this control-repo we are using the trlinkin-noop module which provides a function called noop() which adds the noop metaparameter to each resource.

We use this function in manifests/site.pp:

$noop_mode = lookup('noop_mode', Boolean, 'first', false)
if $noop_mode == true {

This code sets the noop_mode variable via a Hiera lookup for the key noop_mode. If it's not found on Hiera, then the default value is false.

If the noop_mode variable is true then noop metaparameter is added to all the resources of the catalog.

It's recommended to limit the usage of noop_mode key on Hiera only when necessary, for example when a massive or invasive code change has to be promoted to production and we want a safe net where we can selectively remove noop_mode to control the propagation of change.

For example when pushing to production particularly critical changes it's possible to force noop mode for all the servers adding in hieradata/common.yaml:

noop_mode: true

To test the actual changes we could override this in a Hiera .yaml (something like hieradata/env/test.yaml to give you an idea) which configures a subset of our servers:

noop_mode: false

NOTE: this is not the typical way to manage noop mode in Puppet and when using the Puppet Enterprise console you will see nodes where noop is applied with this approach undef the "Nodes run in enforcement" group (and not in noop mode) in the dashboard. Still, checking report you will be able to notice that actually no resource is really applied and you should see eventual changes in the noop column.

Final result is the same (no resources are really applied) but they are shown differently on PE console.

Enforcing no-noop mode

In some cases we might need to enforce the applications of the resources of some classes in every case, whatever is the noop mode.

Most of the profiles present in the psick module have the no_noop parameter: if set to true all the resources of the class are enforced and are applied even if noop is set client side.

Note that this no_noop parameter, starting form version 0.6.0 of psick module, does NOT override any more the server side noop_mode setting (in this way when you set server side noop you are sure that noop is always enforced).

By default no_noop is set to false and nothing changes in terms of noop management.

This allows us to have some server where Puppet runs in noop mode but have still some resources always applied.

In order to set no_noop mode for a class, use hiera data like:

psick::dns::resolver::no_noop: true
psick::hostname::no_noop: true
psick::hosts::file::no_noop: true
psick::puppet::gems::no_noop: true
psick::puppet::pe_agent::no_noop: true # This is required to be able to change the noop setting client side

In case the no_noop parameter is not present in a profile, it's quite easy to add it:

class my_class (
  Boolean $no_noop            = false,
) {

  if !$::psick::noop_mode and $no_noop {
    info('Forced no-noop mode.')

Puppet code deployment and application workflows

Enabling noop mode on some clients, the most important ones, or the whole production ones, allows us to implement some sophisticated and safe workflows for the testing and the deployment of the Puppet code and data that manage our nodes.

Some basic principles have to be considered in order to design them in the most effective way:

  • Server side noop mode if set to true, overrides any client or no_noop setting
  • Setting a class no_noop parameter to true overrides any client setting
  • We can manage via Hiera both server and client settings, giving us full flexibility on where to set it, still we should limit as much as possible the places where we configure it, and possibly, to avoid unnecessary confusion, not use, on regular basis, both server and client settings at the same time (exceptions below).
  • Client settings are effective after the Puppet run that sets them. Server side settings are immediately effective.

The following approach is recommended when noop mode is used or desired:

  • Set client side noop mode on the nodes where we want it (all production nodes or particular critical ones)
  • Use server side noop mode only when deploying big or potentially dangerous code/data changes, keep it undefined in normal conditions
  • Have a CI pipeline which triggers Puppet runs on canary nodes, also in production, enforcing one-shot no-noop mode
  • In the CI pipeline trigger noop Puppet runs on the other production nodes and verify the result
  • Do not accumulate too many changes on noop nodes: run Puppet in no-noop mode on production servers as soon as possible (eventually do that in maintenance windows if you are particularly prudent).

To trigger real no-noop Puppet runs and apply changes on nodes normally running in noop mode different approaches can be used:

  • At the end of the CI pipeline if everything is OK trigger (manually or automatically) a no-noop Puppet run on nodes normally in noop mode
  • Actual execution of a no-noop run can be done via a Puppet task like psick::puppet_agent (it has a parameter for forcing it) or any other tool that can remotely execute puppet agent -t --no-noop on a node.
  • Via PE-Console, in the Run Puppet section, manage manually the remote execution of a no-noop Puppet run by clicking on the "Override noop = true configuration".

Remember that in both these last two cases, if noop is set server side, Puppet keeps on skipping changes on the managed node, that's why we suggest to use server side noop mode only to add a safe net when deploying massive, critical or potentially dangerous code and data changes. In normal operations it is probably better to use client side noop mode that can be more easily overridden.