- Standford CS520, 完成第12课
- 阅读Perturbed Masking Parameter-free Probing for Analyzing and Interpreting BERT
- 阅读A comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks by Zonghan Wu, Shirui Pan
- 阅读数量金融前三章
- 机器学习-白板推导系列, 完成1-6节
- 俯卧撑20*3
- 推举哑铃, 右臂36个, 左臂32个, 4+组
- 屈臂哑铃, 右臂32个, 左臂28个, 3组
- 卷腹40*3
- 基本读完Perturbed Masking Parameter-free Probing for Analyzing and Interpreting BERT
- 阅读Perturbed Masking Parameter-free Probing for Analyzing and Interpreting BERT
- 准备CiTiUS面试
- A comprehensive Survey on Graph Neural Networks by Zonghan Wu, Shirui Pan, 读到section4