Experiments on the impact of mild diagnostic radiation on different aged individuals through simulations
Roger Bellido-Peralta, University of Manchester Bro Brotato-AbsoluteUnit, University of Tubercle
In this paper we study the effects of radiation derived from image diagnostics related to the cell...
Manuna et al. showed in previous work that the hypothesis presented could make sense...
No modelling works has been done until now that reflect the type of reserach conducted in this project.
We simulate using LAMMPS software the impact of mild radiation in the DNA chains inside the cell. We use NVT collectivity and Nosé-Hoover integration protocol.
We did some experiments and compared the results with the simulations, using the latter to try and explain the mechanisms too. Then we compared them to the simulations done by Zoferin.
Our results show a disperse correlation between irradiation and consequences, which the simulations do back up.
Figures will be placed in their own section.
In this work we found out that the correlation between the mild radiation and thelong term consequences of other radiation is non conclusive.