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GUI: Producing a baseline

Mats Luspa edited this page Apr 26, 2023 · 4 revisions

The steps to produce a baseline and to use it for correction in the GUI are as follows:

  1. Analyse DI raw data and export the basevalue results in a file like BLV_CODE_PIER.txt (I would suggest to use PYSTR as export format, as this is a ascii text file) BLV = baseline/values CODE = is typically use short names of the variometer and scalar instrument here PIER = if you calculate your basevalues for more than one pier you should add an identification

    GUI: got to panel DI -> use "Load DI data" -> specify path to variometer data -> specify path to scalar data -> analyse -> D,I,F and basevalues will be shown -> go to menu "file" -> export

  2. Load the BLV_... -> go to panel "Analysis" -> use "Fit" button and select am appropriate baseline fit (I would suggest to start with the default values also you might need to increase the amount of knot points (0.3 -> 0.1 or lower) => know your baseline is in the memory and can be used

  3. Load a variometer file (or many of them) within the time range covered by the basevalue file. Think about to possibly filter the data depending on export format used in step 6. For example IAF demands one-minute data.

  4. Go to panel "Analysis" -> "Baseline" button is active know -> press "Baseline" -> select the correct one (there should only be one if you followed the instructions above) -> choose "Adopt baseline"

  5. Now the baseline has been calculated and the functional parameters are added to the meta information of your variometer data (not yet applied !!) (-> the background here is to keep basically all information from variation data towards definitive data in the files meta information -> when you want to store all this you need to export the data as PYCDF)

  6. To get baseline corrected variometer data you just need to go to the "Data" panel and press the now active "Baseline Corr" button -> thats it -> export as IAGA2002, IMAGCDF or any other format.

You can repeat 3-6 with any variometer data with the time range covered by the BLV data

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