Setting up your own Headway instance should be fairly straightforward if you follow these docs. Feel free to open bugs if things go wrong, or PRs to improve the project though!
There is a script contributed by Santiago Crespo that will automatically deploy Headway as a systemd service on Debian, but it has not been widely tested yet. See contrib/ for details.
Prerequisites: Install earthly.
Option 1: Building from a pre-configured city
Option 2: Building from your own OSM extract
Option 3: Building Headway for the whole planet
Headway processes data and builds its containers for hosting using Earthly. Earthly is a build system (like a Makefile) for orchestrating a bunch of depdendent docker containers.
Instructions for installing the cloud-free version of earthly can be found here:
Headway can be built using a BBBike extract if one exists for a metro area you're interested in, or you can supply your own .osm.pbf
file to cover areas that BBBike doesn't cover, or larger areas like US states or European countries.
This section pertains to builds from BBBike extracts. Skip this if you know you need to bring your own OpenStreetMap extract.
Headway currently supports fully automatic builds for the following cities:
Supported cities
Aachen, Aarhus, Adelaide, Albuquerque, Alexandria, Amsterdam, Antwerpen, Arnhem, Auckland, Augsburg, Austin, Baghdad, Baku, Balaton, Bamberg, Bangkok, Barcelona, Basel, Beijing, Beirut, Berkeley, Berlin, Bern, Bielefeld, Birmingham, Bochum, Bogota, Bombay, Bonn, Bordeaux, Boulder, BrandenburgHavel, Braunschweig, Bremen, Bremerhaven, Brisbane, Bristol, Brno, Bruegge, Bruessel, Budapest, BuenosAires, Cairo, Calgary, Cambridge, CambridgeMa, Canberra, CapeTown, Chemnitz, Chicago, ClermontFerrand, Colmar, Copenhagen, Cork, Corsica, Corvallis, Cottbus, Cracow, CraterLake, Curitiba, Cusco, Dallas, Darmstadt, Davis, DenHaag, Denver, Dessau, Dortmund, Dresden, Dublin, Duesseldorf, Duisburg, Edinburgh, Eindhoven, Emden, Erfurt, Erlangen, Eugene, Flensburg, FortCollins, Frankfurt, FrankfurtOder, Freiburg, Gdansk, Genf, Gent, Gera, Glasgow, Gliwice, Goerlitz, Goeteborg, Goettingen, Graz, Groningen, Halifax, Halle, Hamburg, Hamm, Hannover, Heilbronn, Helsinki, Hertogenbosch, Huntsville, Innsbruck, Istanbul, Jena, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Kaiserslautern, Karlsruhe, Kassel, Katowice, Kaunas, Kiel, Kiew, Koblenz, Koeln, Konstanz, LakeGarda, LaPaz, LaPlata, Lausanne, Leeds, Leipzig, Lima, Linz, Lisbon, Liverpool, Ljubljana, Lodz, London, Luebeck, Luxemburg, Lyon, Maastricht, Madison, Madrid, Magdeburg, Mainz, Malmoe, Manchester, Mannheim, Marseille, Melbourne, Memphis, MexicoCity, Miami, Minsk, Moenchengladbach, Montevideo, Montpellier, Montreal, Moscow, Muenchen, Muenster, NewDelhi, NewOrleans, NewYork, Nuernberg, Oldenburg, Oranienburg, Orlando, Oslo, Osnabrueck, Ostrava, Ottawa, Paderborn, Palma, PaloAlto, Paris, Perth, Philadelphia, PhnomPenh, Portland, PortlandME, Porto, PortoAlegre, Potsdam, Poznan, Prag, Providence, Regensburg, Riga, RiodeJaneiro, Rostock, Rotterdam, Ruegen, Saarbruecken, Sacramento, Saigon, Salzburg, SanFrancisco, SanJose, SanktPetersburg, SantaBarbara, SantaCruz, Santiago, Sarajewo, Schwerin, Seattle, Seoul, Sheffield, Singapore, Sofia, Stockholm, Stockton, Strassburg, Stuttgart, Sucre, Sydney, Szczecin, Tallinn, Tehran, Tilburg, Tokyo, Toronto, Toulouse, Trondheim, Tucson, Turin, UlanBator, Ulm, Usedom, Utrecht, Vancouver, Victoria, WarenMueritz, Warsaw, WashingtonDC, Waterloo, Wien, Wroclaw, Wuerzburg, Wuppertal, Zagreb, Zuerich- Pick a metro area from the list above, like "Amsterdam" or "Denver". These values are case-sensitive.
- (Optional) Set up GTFS feeds for public transit routing. This dramatically increases hardware requirements for large metro areas.
- Run
earthly -P +gtfs-enumerate --area="Amsterdam"
, replacing "Amsterdam" with your metro area of choice. - Examine
and manually edit it if necessary to curate GTFS feeds. Some may have errors, and many may be useless for your purposes.
- Run
- Execute
earthly -P +build --area="Amsterdam"
using your chosen metro area, or if you want public transit routing, runearthly -P +build --area="Amsterdam" --transit_feeds="data/Amsterdam.gts_feeds.csv
using your chosen metro area. - Make a
file with your configuration. See.env.example
for documentation and defaults. - Execute
docker-compose up -d
to bring up a headway server on port 8080. - (For https and non-default port use only) reverse-proxy traffic to port 8080.
That's it! In the future I'd like to have a kubernetes config to further productionize this project.
Using a custom OSM extract is a bit more complicated, and less regularly tested. Please report issues if you have any. Transit trip planning isn't currently supported for arbitrary OSM extracts, contributions are welcome though!
- Copy your OSM extract into Headway's top-level directory (same directory as this file), as e.g.
. It is important to name it something different than the cities listed above. For example, if I was building a custom extract of Amsterdam to avoid conflicts I would name itAmsterdamCustom
. - Execute
earthly -P +build --area="california" --countries="US"
with the name (no extension) of your OSM extract, andUS
with a comma-separated list of the countries that the extract covers. Countries should be provided as two-character ISO-3166-1 codes This specifies which data to download from Who's On First. Accidentally including a country won't harm anything but it will cause needless downloads. You may wish to simply putALL
which will download data for the whole planet (potentially tens of gigabytes). - Make a
file with configuration. See/copy.env.example
for defaults. In particular:
Because Headway's docker-compose configuration uses init containers to populate a docker volume containing internal data, rebuilding the data for a metro area won't update existing containers. It's necessary to run docker-compose down --volumes
to re-initialize the data in the init containers.
This is necessary whenever you rebuild the data for a metro area, or change which area you're serving data for in the .env