The pyJMT package is the official python wrapper for the Java Modelling Tools (JMT) suite, which is used for performance evaluation of systems using queueing network models. Using this tool the user can run JSIMgraph simulations in python, retrieving results programmatically.
A short getting started guide along with installation instructions can be found here, with full documentation available here.
The following example shows the solution of a basic M/M/1 queueing system:
import pyJMT as jmt
def example_mm1():
model = jmt.Network("M/M/1 model")
source = jmt.Source(model, "mySource")
queue = jmt.Queue(model, "myQueue", jmt.SchedStrategy.FCFS)
sink = jmt.Sink(model, "mySink")
openclass = jmt.OpenClass(model, "Class1")
source.setArrival(openclass, jmt.Exp(0.5))
queue.setService(openclass, jmt.Exp(1.0))
model.addLink(source, queue)
model.addLink(queue, sink)
print("The simulation result file is available under output_files/")
if __name__ == "__main__":
You can alternatively run the above code as
pip install -r requirements.txt
This example will print out:
Station JobClass analyzedSamples meanValue successful discardedSamples measureType lowerLimit nodeType alfa precision upperLimit maxSamples
myQueue Class1 450560 0.9891299381139143 true 760 Number of Customers 0.9661755892808247 station 0.01 0.03 1.012084286947004 1000000
myQueue Class1 46080 0.496953737041098 true 630 Utilization 0.48488393655927425 station 0.01 0.03 0.5090235375229217 1000000
myQueue Class1 163840 1.97685030594545 true 190 Response Time 1.9305222048085555 station 0.01 0.03 2.0231784070823444 1000000
myQueue Class1 61440 0.49916726343571804 true 115 Throughput 0.4894933226429664 station 0.01 0.03 0.5092312890562263 1000000
myQueue Class1 61440 0.4991462764898616 true 115 Arrival Rate 0.48942754624081064 station 0.01 0.03 0.5092588027856187 1000000
mySource Class1 61440 0.4991462764898616 true 115 Throughput 0.48942754624081064 station 0.01 0.03 0.5092588027856187 1000000
mySource Class1 61440 0.4991462764898616 true 115 Arrival Rate 0.48942754624081064 station 0.01 0.03 0.5092588027856187 1000000
and the simulation result file will be made available under the output_files/ folder. Additional usage examples are available in
pyJMT is released as open source under the BSD-3 license.