['sasp_stormram'] = {['name'] = 'sasp_stormram', ['label'] = 'Stormram', ['weight'] = 18000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'police_stormram.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'A nice tool to break into doors'},
{ ['sasp'] = { label = 'Law Enforcement', defaultDuty = true, offDutyPay = false, grades = { ['0'] = { name = 'Recruit', payment = 50 }, ['1'] = { name = 'Officer', payment = 75 }, ['2'] = { name = 'Sergeant', payment = 100 }, ['3'] = { name = 'Lieutenant', payment = 125 }, ['4'] = { name = 'Chief', isboss = true, payment = 150 }, }, }, }
Config.BossMenus = { ['sasp'] = { vector3(461.45, -986.2, 30.73), ##enter your coords here }, }
Config.BossMenuZones = { ['sasp'] = { { coords = vector3(461.45, -986.2, 30.73), length = 0.35, width = 0.45, heading = 351.0, minZ = 30.58, maxZ = 30.68 } , ##enter your polyzone credentials here for bossmenu }, }
('sasp', 0, 'boss'),
["sasp"] = { label = "sasp", takeVehicle = vector3(454.6, -1017.4, 28.4), spawnPoint = vector4(438.4, -1018.3, 27.7, 90.0), putVehicle = vector3(454.6, -1017.4, 28.4), showBlip = false, blipName = "sasp", blipNumber = 357, type = 'job', --public, job, gang, depot vehicle = 'car', --car, air, sea job = "sasp" },
Config.ClothingRooms = { [1] = {requiredJob = 'sasp', isGang = false, coords = vector3(454.43, -988.85, 30.69), width = 2, length = 2, cameraLocation = vector4(454.42, -990.52, 30.69, 358.48)}, ##enter your suitable coords here }
["meos"] = { app = "meos", color = "#004682", icon = "fas fa-ad", tooltipText = "MDT", job = "sasp", blockedjobs = {}, slot = 13, Alerts = 0, },
Just simply drag and drop into your [qb] folder