Api Documentation Seller Events
One important component of SCX are Seller and Channel Events. Seller Events are emitted by a Seller integration, such as JTL-Wawi, while Channel Events are emitted by a Channel Integration. Such events are actions created by an actor (Seller or Channel) and may be handled by connected integrations.
A Channel Integration needs to handle various Seller Events provided by GET /channel/events in order to create new Offer listings, mark orders as paid or shipped.
SCX Channel Core comes with an integrated message broker based on jtl/nachricht to process Events - every Seller Event received by Channel API is directly dispatched into a dedicated messages queue.
Understand queue management with jtl/nachricht
uses an auto-discovery mechanism to route messages from Queue to the correct Listener implementation.
Each message requires at least one Listener
implementation to process a message. Per default there is no Listener
shipped with the SCX-Channel-Core repository, and you will need to implement your own Listener for your own specific needs.
To create a Listener for OfferNewEvent you need to create a new class implementing
Interface and provide a method where the first Parameter is of the Event class
you want to process.
use JTL\Nachricht\Contract\Listener\Listener;
use JTL\SCX\Lib\Channel\Event\Seller\OfferNewEvent;
class OfferNewListener implements Listener
public function processOfferNew(OfferNewEvent $event)
// process message
echo "Event processed with Id '{$event->getId()}'\n";
Please note that there is no return type in processOfferNew
. This means if there is no Error or Exception thrown
during processing a message the Event will be acknowledged with RabbitMQ afterwards. To mark a message as failed, just
throw an exception. jtl/nachricht
will increase the error count and put the message back at the end of queue.
When a set amount of retries have been performed without success, the message is redirected to a Dead-Letter queue.
You are not restricted to process only Messages shipped with SCX-Channel-Core. You can create your own Events and Listeners to process messages in an asynchronous manner.
use JTL\Nachricht\Contract\Emitter\Emitter;
use JTL\Nachricht\Contract\Listener\Listener;
use JTL\Nachricht\Message\AbstractAmqpTransportableMessage;
class MyEvent extends AbstractAmqpTransportableMessage {
private MyPayload $payload;
public function __construct(MyPayload $payload, string $messageId = null) {
$this->payload = $payload;
public function getMyPayload(): MyPayload
return $this->payload;
class MyEventListener implements Listener
private Emitter $emitter;
public function __construct(Emitter $emitter) {
$this->emitter = $emitter;
public function process(MyEvent $event)
$anotherEvent = $this->createAnotherEvent($event->getMyPayload());