A Nashville Software School C38 front-end capstone project by Keith Potempa
In this React SPA, users can create, store, and view characters for Fate Core, a tabletop roleplaying game by Evil Hat Productions.
Creating characters in Fate is a relatively simple process, so the publisher does not produce extensive libraries or resources of characters for use by players / game masters. This project hopes to provide an accessible resource to efficiently build characters; to help reduce the preparation time and overall accessibility of the game.
Players and Game Masters can use Fate Character Codex to:
- efficiently create characters of various different types
- make decisions during character creation one step at a time, with short, relevant prompts from the rulebooks provided for each step
- manage changes to saved characters throughout campaign play
- track stress and consequences during a session
- find characters and creatures created by other users to instantly use in their own games
- Player Characters (PCs)
- Non-Player Characters (NPCs)
- Nameless NPCs (Average, Fair, Good)
- Supporting NPCs
- Main NPC
- Enemies
- Threats
- Hitters
- Bosses
- Fillers (Average, Fair, Good)
This project utilizes the following:
- Hooks, state, props, routes, components, modules
- This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
- Semantic UI for React component buttons, cards, containers, dividers, dropdowns, forms, grids, icons, inputs, items, labels,lists, etc.
- React Hooks Paginator for pagination
- React Confirm Alert for confirm alerts
- React Router for page routing
- Firebase Hosting
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Realtime Database backend
If you would like to test this code locally, you can follow these steps to get started:
git clone git@github.com:keithrpotempa/fate-character-codex.git && cd fate-character-codex
npm install
to build dependenciesnpm start
to run the application in development mode