ssc install shp2dta
converts shapefile to stata dataset
* for calculating distances between latitudes and longitudes
ssc install geodist
ssc install geodist2
ssc install geonear
******* calculating distance from center *********
******* for each zameen.com home *****************
gen latlhr = 31.5341068689424 // latitude of CBD
gen longlhr = 74.336454560294 // longitude of CBD
geodist geography_ geography1 latlhr longlhr, gen(distance)
ssc install geoinpoly
geoinpoly returns, in a variable named _ID, the identifier of a polygon from coordinates_file that spatially overlays a point defined by latitude and longitude.
ssc install geocircles
geocircles creates polygons that approximate the shape of circles.
findit fieldarea // Compute area of irregular field from GPS coordinates of its vertices. http://www.radyakin.org/stata/fieldarea/fieldarea.htm
* Fisrt use "Conversion tools from raster to ASCII" in ArcGIS
* convert raster to file with .asc format
* then use following commands
cd "D:\ascii_raster"
ras2dta , files(urban_lhr) xcoord(3711) ycoord(3711) genxcoord(column_id) genycoord(row_id) replace