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Getting started

In this document, we provide an introduction to ARLib, an alternative routing library for Boost.Graph. Alternative routing is defined as the problem of finding a number k of s-t paths in a graph G. While the problem of finding the shortest s-t path in a graph has well-known, efficient solutions (most notably the Dijkstra's algorithm), finding several s-t paths introduces a number of challenges. In fact, alternative paths are desired to be (a) as short as possible (b) sufficiently dissimilar from each other.

ARLib provides an implementation of the following state-of-art algorithms:

  • K-SPwLO OnePass+
  • Penalty

1. Let's start

First of all, let's construct the graph that we are going to use in this example: example_graph

ARLib is a library for Boost.Graph, so building a graph is the same as you do in Boost.Graph

#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>

#include <string>
#include <vector>

// Create type-aliases for the Graph type
using Graph = boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS,
                                    boost::bidirectionalS, boost::no_property,
                                    boost::property<boost::edge_weight_t, int>>;
using Vertex = typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor;
using Edge = typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>::edge_descriptor;

int main() {
  // Make convenient labels for the vertices
  enum { S, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, T };
  const long unsigned num_vertices = T;
  const auto name =
      std::vector<std::string>{"s", "n1", "n2", "n3", "n4", "n5", "t"};

  // Writing out the edges in the graph
  const auto edges = std::vector<std::pair<int, int>>{
      {S, N1},  {N1, S},  {S, N2},  {N2, S},  {S, N3},  {N3, S},
      {N1, T},  {T, N1},  {N3, N1}, {N1, N3}, {N3, N5}, {N5, N3},
      {N3, N2}, {N2, N3}, {N3, N4}, {N4, N3}, {N2, N4}, {N4, N2},
      {N5, T},  {T, N5},  {N5, N4}, {N4, N5}, {N4, T},  {T, N4}};

  const auto weights = std::vector<int>{6, 6, 4, 4, 3, 3, 6, 6, 2, 2, 3, 3,
                                        3, 3, 5, 5, 5, 5, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2};
  auto G = Graph{edges.begin(), edges.end(), weights.begin(), num_vertices};

Now that we have built our graph, we are ready to run an alternative routing (AR) algorithm. Just like any algorithm in Boost.Graph, also ARLib algorithms are fully generic and defined in terms of Graph Concepts and Property Maps.

2. An Alternative Routing algorithm

Let's consider OnePass+ algorithm:

template <
    typename Graph, typename WeightMap, typename MultiPredecessorMap,
    typename Vertex = typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor>
void onepass_plus(const Graph &G, WeightMap weight,
                  MultiPredecessorMap &predecessors, Vertex s, Vertex t, int k,
                  double theta)

Consistently with Boost.Graph algorithms, ARLib algorithms define what graph operations are necessary to implement them. So for onepass_plus, the input graph is required to satisfy both VertexAndEdgeListGraph and AdjacencyMatrix concepts.

Moreover, necessary vertex and edge properties are passed as Property Maps. In details:

  • WeightMap is the edge weight property map, e.g. the one you can obtain with get(boost::edge_weight, G).
  • MultiPredecessorMap is an output property map to store the alternative paths, which we describe in details in Section 2.1.

The remaining arguments are OnePass+ parameters:

  • s and t are the source and target vertices, respectively.
  • k is the number of alternative routes that we request.
  • theta is the percentage of overlapping threshold. Alternative routes are guaranteed to overlap no more than theta percentage.

So let's compute our alternative routes.

#include "arlib/arlib.hpp"

/// Define a convenient function to compute the alternative routes and return
/// them as a view.
std::vector<arlib::Path<Graph>> get_alternative_routes(Graph const &G, Vertex s,
                                                       Vertex t) {
 // Make output MultiPredecessorMap
 auto predecessors = arlib::multi_predecessor_map<Vertex>{};

 int k = 3;                                       // Nb alternative routes
 double theta = 0.5;                              // Overlapping threshold
 auto weight = boost::get(boost::edge_weight, G); // Get Edge WeightMap

 arlib::onepass_plus(G, weight, predecessors, s, t, k, theta);
 auto alt_routes = arlib::to_paths(G, predecessors, weight, s, t);
 return alt_routes;

First, we define a convenient function, get_alternative_routes, to find 3 s-t paths with a maximum similarity of 50%. Then we extract a view of them and pack them into a std::vector.

2.1 Introducing multi_predecessor_map

With line

auto predecessors = arlib::multi_predecessor_map<Vertex>{};

we instantiate a multi_predecessor_map. It models the ReadablePropertyMap concept and we use it to keep track of the predecessors of each vertex in the alternative routes. Its key_type is the same as the vertex descriptor of the graph. The value_type is an UnorderedAssociativeContainer, like std::unordered_map, such that each entry maps an int to a vertex descriptor. The int value represents the index of the alternative path, which ranges in [0, k].

For instance, let v be a node of the graph and MP be a multi_predecessor_map. MP[v] returns a reference to an UnorderedAssociativeContainer P. Each entry of P is a pair (n, p), where n is the index of the alternative path for which p is the predecessor of v.

In line

arlib::onepass_plus(G, weight, predecessors, s, t, k, theta);

we effectively run OnePass+ algorithm to compute the alternative routes, which are recorded in predecessors, just like you are used to in Boost.Graph's dijkstra_shortest_paths algorithm.

In ARLib we make one step further. We are interested in actually querying the alternative routes that we found. Therefore, we provide a function to decode the multi_predecessor_map into a sequence of views on the paths.

In line

auto alt_routes = arlib::to_paths(G, predecessors, weight, s, t);

with call arlib::to_paths to build such a sequence. alt_routes is a std::vector of arlib::Path. arlib::Path is nothing more than a wrapper around a boost::filtered_graph of the input graph. Doing so allow us to return paths that are fast-to-build and easy-to-query because boost::filtered_graph exposes the same interface of the original graph.

2.2 Ready to go

So now, let's see what alternative routes we have found. We define the following utility function to print our paths

#include <iostream>

void print_path(arlib::Path<Graph> const &path,
                std::vector<std::string> const &name) {
  using namespace boost;

  for (auto [v_it, v_end] = vertices(path); v_it != v_end; ++v_it) {
    for (auto [e_it, e_end] = out_edges(*v_it, path); e_it != e_end; ++e_it) {
      std::cout << name[source(*e_it, path)] << " -- "
                << name[target(*e_it, path)] << "\n";

Finally, obtain your results

int main() {
  // Graph construction
  auto alt_routes = get_alternative_routes(G, S, T);
  for (auto const &route : alt_routes) {
    print_path(route, name);
    std::cout << "--------\n";

which displays

s -- n3
n3 -- n4
n4 -- t
s -- n3
n3 -- n5
n5 -- t
s -- n3
n1 -- t
n3 -- n1

3. Next steps

Congratulations! You found your first set of alternative routes! If you want to know more check the following resources out:

  • Include ARLib in your CMake project
  • [Uninformed Bidirectional Pruner] - a pre-processing algorithm that reduces the complexity of your graph to speed-up the alternative routing
  • Documentation - for a full list of the algorithms shipped by ARLib

4. References

Algorithm Paper
OnePass+ Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Panagiotis Bouros, Johann Gamper and UlfLeser, Exact and Approximate Algorithms for Finding k-Shortest Paths with Limited Overlap , In Proc. of the 20th Int. Conf. on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) (2017)
ESX Theodoros Chondrogiannis, Panagiotis Bouros, Johann Gamper and Ulf Leser, Exact and Approximate Algorithms for Finding k-Shortest Paths with Limited Overlap , In Proc. of the 20th Int. Conf. on Extending Database Technology (EDBT) (2017)
Penalty Yanyan Chen, Michael GH Bell, and Klaus Bogenberger. Reliable pretrip multipath planning and dynamic adaptation for a centralized road navigation system. Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on, 8(1):14–20, 2007
