{shiny.AADB2C} is designed to help you get started with integration Azure Active Directory B2C authentication into your shiny application.
You can install the package with:
{shiny} runs on locally but AAD B2C will only accept http://localhost:port as a Redirect URL for an AAD B2C client application. To manage this, we recommend you run nginx on your machine to route traffic from localhost to if this isn’t happening naturally.
To make nginx work with shiny locally, I had to change the nginx.conf
file and included values like:
http {
include mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
# web socket-y stuff to make shiny work with nginx
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
# When doing local dev it's helpful to fix your shiny port
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
# When doing local dev it's helpful to fix your shiny port
proxy_redirect http://$host/;
You will need to use SSL to be able to have shiny deployed in production with authentication as http://localhost is the only non-https address allowed. Current, common approaches to putting shiny behind SSL include:
- Shiny Server Pro / RStudio Connect
- ShinyProxy
- Container behind a routing solution / proxy e.g. Azure Container Instances and Azure Application Gateway
The first required component is the JavaScript code that uses the msal.js library to authenticate a user via a popup.
Most of the code you might want to modify to manage buttons and shiny
communication happen in the updateUI()
function. There are
instructions to show and hide “Sign In” and “Sign Out” buttons and pass
a piece of information when authenticated to shiny as an input.
output_dir = "inst/app/www",
shiny_input = "email",
tenant = "demotenant",
client_id = "a0cfc440-c766-43db-9ea8-40a1efbe22ac",
signin_policy = "B2C_1_signup_signin",
scopes = c("email","openid", "https://demotenant.onmicrosoft.com/appname/read"
To configure the JS script, you need the following pieces of information:
- The AAD B2C tenant name, e.g the demotenant in demotenant.onmicrosoft.com
- The application ID of the AAD B2C app
- The User Flow / Policy to use to Sign In
- The scopes that should be requested, including a URI
You will want to use your browsers developer tools to help you get any error mesages you might encounter. The scopes in particular can be pesky!
You may also want to / need to provide further configuration details. This documentation can be found at docs.microsoft.com/…/msal-client-application-configuration
Included in this package are functions providing some basic code to demonstrate the minimum needed to provide login functionality and do something based on the authentication.
#> shiny::tagList(
#> tags$script(src="https://alcdn.msauth.net/lib/1.1.3/js/auth.js"),
#> shiny::tags$script(src = "www/msal.js"),
#> shiny::actionButton("signin","Sign in",
#> class="signin",
#> onclick="signIn()"),
#> shiny::actionButton("signout",
#> "Sign out",
#> class="signout hidden",
#> onclick="logout()"),
#> shiny::textOutput("email")
#> )
This includes how to:
- call to the latest main msal.js library from Microsoft
- include our bespoke integration code generated via
- you will need to make the directory it’s stored in available to
your shiny dashboard with
- you will need to make the directory it’s stored in available to
your shiny dashboard with
- buttons that appear conditionally based on authentication state
- visibility is controlled based on class and is managed in our custom msal.js file
- an output dependent on the server receiving the authentication details
It’s provided in a tagList but the individual functions can be included in a general UI object.
#> output$email <- shiny::renderText(input$email)
This is pretty simple - it merely translates the input created in the
msal.js when someone successfully authenticates into a text output. This
code snippet can be added to the server()