OFF - Battery optimization has been disabled - To enabled it again you need to do this via the general device settings. ON - You should only enabled this setting when you encounter unexpected app terminations by the OS.
OFF ON - The 'Background Tracer Service' will be automatically started after a device reboot (after successful login)
OFF ON - The app also shows the total of all beacons found so far (restart the service to reset).
Countries might not be the best description here - since you can configure basically on which beacon UUIDs the App is listening.
- UUID 0xFD6F: Countries in which Apps are in place that make use of the ExposureNotification Framework developed by Apple & Google. Please find a list below
- UUID 0xFD64: TousAntiCovid (StopCovid France)
- UUID 0xFD6F and 0xFD64: So a combination of both UUIDs - where the app is going to display for each UUID a separate counter (in the App - not in the system notification)
List of countries that make use of the Exposure Notification Framework (UUID 0xFD6F Beacaons)
Group the beacons by their signal strength into NEAR/MEDIUM/FAR
This means that if the signal strength is smaller the minus 82db, then the beacon is considered to be NEAR. Everything between -82db and -90db will be considered as MIDDLE and everything below -90db will be listed at FAR.
So basically it's: 0db > NEAR-Range > -82db > MEDIUM-Range > -90db > FAR-Range > -∞db
If the signal strength of a beacon is below the specified threshold it will not taken into account