All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
2.2.1 - 2022-03-15
- Error when updating caused by upstream download URL change.
2.2.0 - 2021-01-18
- Primary prefix for the DXCC to json as key
2.1.0 - 2020-12-21
to a read-only property.
2.0.0 - 2019-11-25
- Added the ability to import a cty.dat file.
- Added a changelog file (this one).
- Added copyright headers.
- Centralised all package info.
- Documented everything with docstrings.
- Typed the package (type hints).
- Packaged for PyPI.
- Fully refactored; now a class.
- Improved cty.dat parsing logic.
- Improved README.
- Replaced hardcoded paths with parameters.
1.0.0 - 2019-10-08
- Initial release