I use Worksets
for my personal workout programming.
Run sbt assembly
to create executable jar target/$scalaVersion/worksets-$version
This 4-day workout program uses worksetByE1RM
builder, which determines actual weight
on the bar based on past workout performance, desired RPE (rate of perceived exertion) and
package worksets.program
import worksets._
import worksets.Ops._
import worksets.Predef._
import worksets.calendar._
import worksets.workouts.Dsl._
object Example4DayWorkout extends WorkoutGenerator:
val weeklyProgram: WeeklyProgram =
val squatDay: Workout = (
exercise CompetitionSquat worksetByE1RM 8.rpe x 8 repeat 4
exercise CompetitionBench worksetByE1RM 7.5.rpe x 8 repeat 3
exercise WideGripBench worksetByE1RM 6.rpe x 9 repeat 4
val deadLiftDay: Workout = (
exercise CompetitionDeadlift worksetByE1RM 8.rpe x 6 repeat 3
exercise PendlayRowStandard worksetByE1RM 8.rpe x 5 repeat 3
exercise BodyWeightPullups workset 80.kg x DynamicReps.AddOne at 7.rpe repeat 3
List[(Day, Workout)](
Monday -> squatDay,
Tuesday -> deadLiftDay,
Thursday -> squatDay,
Friday -> deadLiftDay
- Decide on next block strategy and implement new program in
if needed - Set the desired workout generator in
- Run
./worksets programNextWeek
review and save the weekly program - Print the program and bring it to the weight room
Follow the program and mark the completed sets on the printed workout plan
Run ./worksets enterResults
for each workout day, adjusting the values which deviate
from planned ones
Check the trends (./worksets report
) and modify the workout generator if needed:
$ ./target/scala-0.27/worksets-0.1 report
Deadlift /w Belt Squat /w Belt Bench Press
3180 ┤╭───────╮ 3800 ┤ ╭─── 2560 ┤ ╭───────
2385 ┤│ ╰ 2850 ┤╭────╯ 1920 ┤╭╯
Volume 1590 ┤│ 1900 ┤│ 1280 ┤│
795 ┤│ 950 ┤│ 640 ┤│
0 ┼╯ 0 ┼╯ 0 ┼╯
Deadlift /w Belt Squat /w Belt Bench Press
8 ┤╭──────── 8 ┤╭──────── 8 ┤╭────────
6 ┤│ 6 ┤│ 6 ┤│
Intensity 4 ┤│ 4 ┤│ 4 ┤│
2 ┤│ 2 ┤│ 2 ┤│
0 ┼╯ 0 ┼╯ 0 ┼╯
Deadlift /w Belt Squat /w Belt Bench Press
180 ┤ ╭╮ 129 ┤ ╭───── 111 ┤╭───────
172 ┼╮╭╯╰───╮ 128 ┤ │ 109 ┤│
E1RM 164 ┤╰╯ │ 127 ┤ │ 106 ┤│
157 ┤ │ 127 ┤ │ 104 ┤│
149 ┤ ╰ 126 ┼──╯ 102 ┼╯
2020-W31 .. 2020-W42
34420 ┤ ╭─
27724 ┤ ╭─╮╭─╯
Weekly vol. 21028 ┼╮ │ ││
14331 ┤╰─╮ │ ╰╯
7635 ┤ ╰─╯
After finishing workout week and weekly review, generate a new weekly workout program
- RPE calculations are based on Mike Tuchscherer's RPE tables