Linux OS (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
Eclipse 4.4.1
Android SDK 4.4.2 (API 19)
Android NDK r10d
gcc 4.8
mkdir MyGame && mkdir -p MyGame/cocos2dNew && cd MyGame
cocos new FlyingACE -l cpp -p com.YOURNAME.flyingACE -d cocos2dNew/
git clone
rm -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/Classes/ && rm -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/Resources/ && rm cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/
cp -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/* flyingACE/
sed -i ' s/screenOrientation="landscape"/screenOrientation="reversePortrait"/' flyingACE/
rm -r cocos2dNew/
AppDelegate: 程序入口,初始化Director类的参数,场景构建,布景层挂载
BulletLayer: 子弹层,用批量渲染技术加载子弹并维护子弹数据
BulletUserData: 子弹数据
ControlLayer: 游戏控制层,负责分数显示和暂停按钮
EnemyLayer: 敌机层,加载敌机并维护敌机数据,检测敌机与子弹、敌机与我机及碰撞
EnemyUserData: 敌机数据
GameBackgroundLayer: 布景层,实现地图加载,循环滚动
GameScene: 游戏主场景
PlaneLayer: 飞机层,渲染飞机动画,响应用户滑屏操作
PlaneUserData: 飞机数据
ResultBackgroundLayer: 游戏结果场景中显示背景图片的层
ResultButtonLayer: 游戏结果场景中显示并回调按钮事件的层
ResultScene: 游戏结果场景
SelectBackgroundLayer: 选择关卡界面背景层
SelectButtonLayer: 选择关卡界面按钮层
SelectScene: 选择关卡场景
UFOLayer: 不明飞行物层,目前用于投放武器加强的buff和大招buff
UFOUserData: 数据记录类,用于记录gift的类型
WelcomeBackgroundLayer: 欢迎界面中的背景层
WelcomeButtonLayer: 欢迎界面中的按钮回调函数
WelcomeScene: 欢迎界面
特别感谢TexturePacker的作者Andreas Löw为本次开发提供Pro版的序列号
Thanks to Mr. Andreas Löw (the author of TexturePacker), for prividing the free key of TexturePacker pro.
Linux OS (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS)
Eclipse 4.4.1
Android SDK 4.4.2 (API 19)
Android NDK r10d
gcc 4.8
mkdir MyGame && mkdir -p MyGame/cocos2dNew && cd MyGame
cocos new FlyingACE -l cpp -p com.YOURNAME.flyingACE -d cocos2dNew/
git clone
rm -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/Classes/ && rm -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/Resources/ && rm cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/
cp -r cocos2dNew/FlyingACE/* flyingACE/
sed -i ' s/screenOrientation="landscape"/screenOrientation="reversePortrait"/' flyingACE/
rm -r cocos2dNew/
And then, Import the project with Eclipse for Android project.
AppDelegate: The init access of the program. Init the Direct and construct the Scenes.
BulletLayer: Bullet Layer, using SpriteBatchNode to load bullets.
BulletUserData: The data struct defined by myself. Recording the damage of each bullet.
ControlLayer: Game Control Layer, it provide the function of displaying scrore and pause button.
EnemyLayer: Loading the enemys, and also, prividing the interface of the crash detecting.
EnemyUserData: The datastruct recording the some paramater of enemy plane, like HP.
GameBackgroundLayer: Background Layer, auto loading the background image and rolling.
GameScene: The main scene of the game, contain the most object.
PlaneLayer: Plane Layer, Interactive layer of the game.
PlaneUserData: The datastruct recording the some paramater of enemy plane, like HP.
ResultBackgroundLayer: Show the background image in the result scene.
ResultButtonLayer: Show the button in the result scene.
ResultScene: Game result scene.
SelectBackgroundLayer: To show Select Scene's background.
SelectButtonLayer: To show Select Scene's button.
SelectScene: Select Scene.
UFOLayer: This layer is used for some buffs, like enhance the bullet or get the big bomb.
UFOUserData: The data structure recording the kind of UFO gift.
WelcomeBackgroundLayer: Show the background image in the welcome scene.
WelcomeButtonLayer: Show the button in the welcome scene.
WelcomeScene: Welcome scene, the loading image.
Thanks to Mr. Andreas Löw (the author of TexturePacker), for prividing the free key of TexturePacker pro.